effect, such as runoff from a paved area, it may be desirable to trap the first-flush water in
the live storage, and hydraulically short-circuit the cleaner discharge from the
remainder of the event to the flood discharge outlet.
The volume and depth of the sediment storage pool are based on the anticipated
sediment loading rate and the planned period between sediment removal. At a
construction site with potentially high rates of sediment yield, the basin may be cleaned
several times a year or after a major storm. In a developed urban area, where the basin is
incorporated into project landscaping and may support a wetland habitat, the dewatering
and cleaning interval should be on the order of several years or longer. In a wet basin, leave
a minimum water depth of 0.6 m between the top of the design sediment storage pool and
the normal pool level.
Shallow areas in a wet detention pond will become colonized by wetland plants,
either by design or as a result of natural processes, and detention areas can serve as
wetland habitat. Wetland design in stormwater systems has been reviewed by Kadlec and
Knight (1995) and Schueler (1993). In determining the water depths in detention areas,
the colonization depth of wetland vegetation must be taken into consideration. For
instance, cattail (Typha domingensis), a common, aggressive, and less-desirable
wetland plant, can colonize water to depths on the order of 1 m. Depths greater than this
may be required to maintain open water unless vegetative control efforts are undertaken.
12.13.3 Design Computations for Plug Flow
Sediment retention ponds are subject to widely varying rates of inflow, and the settling
characteristics of the inflowing sediments may change as a function of season, and over
longer periods of time because of land use change. The extent of hydraulic short-
circuiting will normally be unknown, and may also change over time as trapped sediments
accumulate and vegetation grows, altering storage volume and other hydraulic
characteristics. As a result, engineering procedures for sedimentation pond design
provide only a rough approximation of actual performance.
Inflow Hydrology. To size the basin surface area and the flood spillway, the inflow
must be estimated for the design sedimentation event as well as the spillway design
discharge. For small basins, simple procedures can be used—for example, the rational
formula, which has the form:
Q = CIA (12.1)
where Q = discharge (m
/s, ft
/s), I = rainfall intensity (m/s, in/h) for a duration equal to
the time of concentration for the tributary drainage area, A = tributary drainage area (m
acres), and C = dimensionless runoff coefficient, which is the same in either system of
units. Representative coefficient values are given in Table 12.5. Local hydrologic design
guidelines may adopt other values.
Sediment detention structures may also be used for flood detention, in which case the
outlet structure should be designed with unsteady-flow modeling tools to generate and
route stormwater hydrographs. Many stormwater modeling tools are available from
commercial software vendors, which are suitable for performing runoff and hydraulic
routing computations in detention ponds.
Drop inlet spillways will draw down the water level in the vicinity of the weir, which
tends to attract floating debris. Placement of a solid skirt or baffle around the inlet,
which extends above and below the weir crest (Fig. 12.19a), will minimize the problem
of debris entrainment. The inlet top may then be covered. However, sediment deposition
can encroach on the flow area below the inlet. Use of a baffled inlet structure