(d) morphology of set boundaries (erosional vs non-erosional;
tabular vs concave or trough). Such characters can help, for
instance, to distinguish subaqueous from eolian deposits (the
latters show thick to very thick beds and lack ripple scale
lamination) or bedforms grown on fiat bottoms from those
topping larger forms, such as ripples on dunes or dunes on
sandwaves (typical of bars and sandwaves is the hierarchical
organization in cross-bedded sets).
Backset laminae (dipping opposite to the fiow) ean form on
the stoss side of so-called regressive antidunes (Allen, 1982),
but are not usually preserved; the few examples reported in the
literature for ancient deposits, especially turbidites, have been
reinterpreted as regular foreset laminae left by inverted or
reflected flows. Only in pyroclastic strata, in particular those
deposited by turbulent surge flows, are backset laminae
commonly found (Allen, 1982, figures 10-15), probably owing
to the peculiar conditions (temperature/moisture, density
contrast between solid particles and fluid). In general, tractive
lamination is beautifully preserved in these deposits, and
foreset laminae inclined at 20° or less can be observed in dune-
like or dunoid (Ricci Lucchi, 1995a) bedforms. Counter-flow
ripples are sometimes seen at the toe of large subaqueous
structures, for example, tidal sandwaves; they are the product
of recirculation in separation bubbles.
Sets and eosets of cross-laminae can show a climbing
attitude of the corresponding bedforms (more commonly
ripples, but also subaqueous dunes), with a variable angle of
climb indicated by the stoss sides. This is a clear evidence of
traction combined with fallout, and the cross-bedding style has
been called ripple-drift cross-lamination (Jopling and Walker,
three varieties (types A, B, and C) have been
distinguished on the basis of relative amounts of erosion and
deposition on the two sides of the bedforms. Climbing cross-
bedding normally derives from deeaying currents and shows
bedform profiles preserved by a mud cover.
Low angle laminae occur in sets usually separated by low
angle erosional surfaces, both planar and curved; resulting
laminasets are wedge-shaped to sigmoidal. It is not easy,
especially in limited outcrops, to decide whether they are
related to a current, an oscillatory motion or a combination of
the two (see below). Low angle lamination has been described
in "proximal" sandy turbidites (Mutti and Ricci-Lucchi, 1972,
facies B) and fluvial deposits (couplets of planar laminated
sand and gravel are a common feature of sheetfiood deposits
within alluvial plain/alluvial fan depositional systems).
Oscillatory and combined flows
Two kinds of "short term" (non-geological) periodicity are
recorded in sediments, that of wind waves and that of tidal
Wind-generated waves may form within any body of water
and exert traction below a critical depth referred to as the wave
Wave orbits increase their ellipticity toward the bottom,
where they culminate as straight lines representing to-and-fro
motion. This motion results in grain movement by rolling and
saltation on an initially plane sand bottom. Wave-formed
ripples vary greatly in size, with /; (height) commonly ranging
between 0,003 m and 0,25 m, and I (wavelength) between
0,009 m and 2 m, Their ripple index varies between 4 and 13,
Wave ripples are characterized by a symmetrical profile
near wave base and tend to become more asymmetrical
approaching the shoreline (steeper side facing landward). In
2D-sections, they display diagnostic internal features, such as
inconsistency between ripple morphology and internal struc-
structural dissimilarity between adjacent sets, presence of
chevron and bundled upbuildings of foreset laminae, and
irregular and undulating lower set boundaries (wave-truncated
ripples of Campbell, 1967; de Raaf era/,, 1977), In plan view,
wave ripples display straight to slightly sinuous crests, with
characteristic bifurcations, that are uncommon in current
ripples. Wave ripples are typically found within lower shore-
face sands, but have also high preservation potential in
shallow-water environments affected by oscillatory waves,
such as lagoons and large lakes.
In intertidal environments, partial erosion of wave ripples at
low tide conditions results in characteristic truncation of their
Actually, in very shallow water depths (foreshore
deposits, swash/backwash zone) upper fiow regime conditions
prevail and planar surfaces, both erosional and depositional,
are the dominant feature. Foreshore sands are thus character-
ized by the stacking of gently seaward-dipping sets of parallel
laminated sand, formed during fair-weather conditions,
separated by erosional surfaces related to storm events
(wedge-shaped, low-angle cross-stratification).
While wave ripples are generated by fair-weather waves,
storm waves tend to produce a structure of similar or greater
called hutnmoeky cross-stratification (HCS) by Harms et
al., (1975), More precisely, HCS is interpreted as the result
of combined, waning unidirectional and oscillatory flows, but
anyway a diagnostic feature of storm-dominated processes.
Recently, however, sedimentary structures very similar to HCS
have also been observed to characterize flood-dominated fan
delta and river delta systems (Mutti etal., 1996),
HCS consists of convex-up, large amplitude (1-5 m) and
low-relief (10-50
irregular domal features (hummocks),
separated by broad troughs (swales). Gently undulating
(5-15°) lamination is the most common internal feature,
displaying a general concordance with the basal erosion
surfaces and systematic lateral variations of laminae thickness
(pinching and swelling of individual laminae). Where concave-
up sets are well preserved, swaley cross-stratification (SCS)
is developed (Leekie and Walker, 1982), HCS is generally
restricted to coarse silt to fine sand, and is particularly
abundant within lower shorefaee deposits, in association with
symmetrical wave ripples, SCS may be abundant in shallower
(upper shorefaee) and coarser grained deposits. Storm events
in the offshore-transition area, above storm wave base,
characteristically develop idealized sequences (Dott and
Bourgeois, 1982) that rest on scoured surfaces, passing upward
into HCS, and capped by fiat lamination and symmetrical
ripples at top of the sandy layers. The sequences are capped by
bioturbated mudstone intervals.
In flood-generated delta-front sandstone lobes, large-scale
HCS is developed within 3-15 m thick sandstone packets,
separated by highly fossiliferous and bioturbated muddier
Tidal structures and bedding
Tidal eurrents regularly change direction from the flood tide
current, which flows landward between the low and high tide,
and the ebb tide current, which flows in the opposite direction
as the water level returns to low tide. Bipolar cross-bedding,
forming the characteristic herringbone cross-stratification,
is the typical, expression of alternating tidal currents in