these deposits affords the opportunity to ehanieterize the faeies
and facies suceessions (Figure B2!). and to explain the
observed facies variability.
Hudson elal. (1995) recently stressed that Jurassie benthie
mollusean assetnblages in the Great Estuarine Group of Great
Britain are controlled largely by salinity with different genera
or groups of organisms characterizing a spectrum of tnainly
brackish water environments. As pointed out by Pemberton
and Wightman (1992) salinity gradients also iittluenee the
nature of the ichnofauna. Although some behavioral patterns
may occur on each side of the salinity transition, distinct
ichnoeoenoses are present in freshwater, braekish water and
fully marine environments. Recently, marginal marine envir-
onments (including tidal channels, estuaries, bays, shallow
lagoons, delta plains, etc.) have been recognized with more
frequency in the rock record. Such environments character-
istically display steep salinity gradients, which, when combined
with corresponding changes in tetnperature. turbulence.
exposure, and oxygen levels, result in a physiologically
stressful environment for numerous groups of organisms.
Brackish water bay-like environments include bays, sounds.
lagoons, inter-distributary bays, and the central basins of
wave-dominated estuaries to name just a few (Figure B22).
One of iehnologys greatest strengths, the bridging of
sedimentology and paleontology, in some respects can be its
greatest liability. Sedimenlologists tend to tise a striet
uniformitarian approaeh to paleoenvironmental interpretation
and rely heavily on modern analogues. Paleontologists, on the
other hand, must temper their observations in the light of
organic evolution. Although trace fossils can be considered as
biogenie sedimentary structures and are difficult to classify
phylogenetically. they are constructed by biological entities
and are thus subjected at least to some degree to evolutionary
trends. For example, oeeurrenees of well-developed terrestrial
trace fossil assemblages are much more prevalent in post-
Cretaceous rocks. This development corresponds to the
evolutionary explosion of the insects, brought on by the
diversification of the angiosperms in the Late Cretaceous.
Prior to this time terrestrial substrates may not have been as
extensively bioturbated due to a paucity of tracetnakers.
Likewise, patterned grazing traces, which characterize deep-sea
environments, show a trend toward more eomple.\ organiza-
tion through most of the Phaiierozoie. This trend may be
related to the evolution of more effieient foraging strategies
(Seiiaeher. 1986). For these reasons, paleoenvirontnental
interpretations based on trace fossils must be considered not
in striet uniformitarian terms, but rather, in actualistic ones.
Equally important, unique quantitative environmental in-
dieators are indeed rare in the geologieal reeord. and ichnology is
no exception (Frey and Seilacher. 1980). However, traee fossils
can supply a wealth of environmetUal information that eannot
be obtained in any other way and v\'hieh should not be ignored.
Their potential usefulness is accentuated when fully integrated
with other (chemieal. physical, and biological) lines of evidence.
Combined studies of physieal and biogenic sedimentary
structures constitute a powerful approach to facies analysis.
Iehnology and its significance to sedimentai'y geology is based
on the following concepts:
(a) Biogenic structures represent the activity of soft-bodied
organisms that are not generally preserved. Such
organisms (including many entire phyla) are commonly
the dominant component of the biomass of tnany
(b) Biogenie struetures are eommonly enhaneed by diagenesis
and ean be used in horizons where physical sedimentary
struetures have been masked. For example, in oil sands
deposits bitumen staining obliterates mosi physical struc-
but due to the coneeutration of clay minerals, it
enhances the visibility of biogenie structures.
(c) Biogenie struetures can be assoeiated with facies that do
not eontain any other fossils. In many silieiektstie regimes,
diagenesis dissolves most of the shelly fauna and trace
fossils represent the only clue as to the original biogenic
component of the unit.
(d) Biogenic structures can be used for the paleoecological
reconstruction of depositional environments.
(e) Biogenic struetures are sensitive to fluctuations in sedi-
mentary dynamics and are important in recognizing event
beds and distinet sedimentation patterns.
(0 Biogenie struetures are sensitive indieators of substrate eohe-
renee and substrate-controlled iehnofaeies are emerging as
important elements in genetie stratigraphie paradigtns.
(g) Biogenie struetures ordinarily eannot be transported and
therefore represent the original environmental position of
the trace making anitnal.
(h) Biogenic structures are sensitive to changes in certain
ecological paratiieters that are otherwise difficult to
ascertain sueh as salinity and oxygen levels.
(i) An integrated approach utilizing physieal, chemical.
biological, and ichnological lines of evidence constitutes
a powerful tool for facies Interpretation.
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