Arctic desert soils (Kodama and Foscolos, 1981), coal
swamps (Iijama and Matsumoto, 1982), fresh to brackish
floodplain and estuarine/deltaic sediments (Taylor, 1990;
Hornibrook and Longstaffe, 1996), and flint clays (Moore
and Hughes, 2000),
Berthierine from laterites and estuarine sandstones is likely
of most significance. For example, the Lower Cretaceous
Weald Clay of southeast England contains transported
berthierine-bearing pisoids and ooids derived from Fe-rich
These grains were deposited in a scour within a fresh to
brackish water mudplain (Taylor, 1990), In situ formation of
berthierine has been reported in a laterite buried beneath a
lignitic horizon in Minnesota (Toth and Fritz, 1997; Fritz and
Toth, 1997), There, berthierine formed by alteration of
kaolinite and by neoformation, Berthierine formation is
attributed to percolation of fresh water under reducing
conditions through a pisolitic laterite (gibbsite, kaolinite, and
goethite), which had developed on a low-relief peneplain.
Reduction of
was accomplished via oxidation of organic
carbon. The absence of sulfate-inhibited pyrite formation, thus
facilitating berthierine and siderite formation. Radial bladed
and radial blocky coats of berthierine on pisoids formed first.
As the soil became saturated by groundwater, precipitation of
macroscopic crystals of Fe-berthierine followed in the voids
between pisoids. The raised water table was associated with a
regional transgression of the Western Interior Seaway during
Late Cretaceous time. Such laterites represent possible sources
of detritus for some varieties of marine ironstones. Likewise,
the presence of such berthierine and siderite in nonmarine
sediments may be correctable with sequence or parasequence
boundaries (Toth and Fritz, 1997),
Well-crystallized laths of berthierine, together with Fe-rich
saponite and traces of chamosite, occur as early diagenetic
pore-linings and grain-coatings on sand grains in the estuarine/
deltaic Lower Cretaceous Clearwater Formation oil-sand
deposits of Alberta (Hornibrook and Longstaffe, 1996), The
stable isotope compositions of this berthierine indicate
formation in the presence of meteoric water at 25-45°C,
Berthierine formation was followed by calcite precipitation,
and then emplacement of hydrocarbons.
Volcanic rock fragments in these sands provided a leachable
source of Fe, which accreted about grains in the form of
hydroxides or odinite in the freshwater estuary. High
sedimentation rates helped to establish reducing conditions
in the estuarine sediments, which favored transformation of
Fe-minerals to berthierine. The presence of calcite rather than
siderite suggests that most available iron had been consumed
by Fe-clays, Calcite (5'^C values of up to +23° indicate that
extreme reducing conditions (microbial CO2-reduction) had
been established by the time of carbonate precipitation. In the
absence of sulfate and prior to CO2 reduction, microbes may
have acted first to reduce Fe^*, and triggered berthierine
generation. Once Fe was reduced and more or less fixed into
calcite crystallization and microbial CO2 reduction
ensued. The possibility remains that odinite was the precursor
to berthierine, and that ferric iron was reduced in situ. Sub-
tropical conditions existed in this area during the Early
Cretaceous, and the estuarine setting would have favored
odinite formation. While the blades and laths of Clearwater
berthierine are unlike the morphology known for Recent
odinite, it almost certainly becomes unstable in most ancient
sediments, transforming to better crystallized phases, including
Reactions during burial diagenesis
Reactions involving berthierine during burial diagenesis are of
growing interest. For example, reaction between siderite and
kaolinite at 65-150°C under reducing conditions produced
aluminous, low-Mg berthierine in shales associated with coal
swamps (lijima and Matsumoto, 1982), Replacement of
kaolinite by chlorite during burial diagenesis of mudstones is
also suspected to proceed through a berthierine intermediary
(Burton etal., 1987), Berthierine is increasingly considered to
be a diagenetic precursor to chamosite, based on the numerous
observations of berthierine-chamosite intercalation (e,g,, Ahn
and Peacor, 1985; Hillier and Velde, 1992), Temperatures as
low as 70°C have been suggested for initiation of this reaction
(Jahren and Aagaard, 1989; Hornibrook and Longstaffe,
Chamosite is a common grain-coating and early pore-lining
in many sandstones. These rims, where they are not too thick,
preserve porosity and permeability by inhibiting further
diagenetic mineral growth. In contrast, development of thick
rims reduces the potential for hydrocarbon saturation and
increases the likelihood of formation damage during hydro-
carbon recovery, Berthierine (and possibly odinite) may be
low-temperature precursors of this chloritic rim. Hence,
depositional and early diagenetic enviroments like those in
which the Clearwater berthierine formed may illustrate one set
of conditions under which formation of Fe-clay rims is most
favorably initiated,
Fred J, Longstaffe
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