maximum flow efficiency away from the parent channel.
The extent of avulsive flooding and nature of channel pat-
terns that subsequently develop are then governed in large
part by the character of the fioodplain surface, for example,
its gradient,
vegetative cover, presence of existing
channels (active or abandoned), elevation of water table,
and fioodplain width. Abandoned alluvial ridges and narrow
valley walls, for example, limit the lateral extent of avulsive
fiow normal to the parent channel and redirect it downvalley.
Dense vegetation covers, low fioodplain gradients, and high
water tables (associated with shallow fioodplain lakes and
marshy wetlands) promote slow
leading to ponding
and deposition of fine sediment. Rapid runoff is enhanced
by high gradients, low water tables, and sparse vegetative
Three broadly different styles of fioodplain response to
avulsion have been recognized: (1) appropriation or reoccu-
pation of preexisting channels, (2) creation of new channels
by incision, and (3) deposition of multiehaneled prograda-
tional sediment wedges. (1) Appropriation of active fiood-
plain channels or reoccupation of abandoned channels is a
common avulsion style that results from the tendency for the
diverted fiow to seek pathways of maximum transport effi-
ciency. If the annexed channel is large enough to accommo-
date the diverted fiow, little fioodplain modification takes
place. Commonly, however, the annexed channel is too small
for the newly captured fiow; deepening and/or widening of
the channel usually follows, sometimes accompanied by
extensive crevassing and deposition of crevasse splays
(Perez-Arlucea and Smith, 1999). (2) Incision of new chan-
nels is most likely to occur in well-drained fioodplains where
avulsive fioodwaters run off quickly and little sediment
deposition takes place (Mohrig et al., 2000). Such incisional
channels may form by downstream extension from the initial
avulsion site or upstream migration of a knickpoint from the
site where the diverted fiows reenter the parent channel or
tributary (Schumm et al., 1996). (3) Deposition and down-
fioodplain progradation of multiehaneled sediment wedges is
a dominant avulsion style in poorly drained marshy fiood-
plains (Smith etal., 1989; Tye and Coleman, 1989). Scales of
progradation range from small crevasse splays to regional-
scale complexes of coalesced splays and lacustrine deltas.
The active margins of the progradational wedge are supplied
by many small, often interconnected, channels which later
are succeeded by a single large channel as the avulsion
evolves to completion. In cases of regional-scale full avul-
this final channel becomes the new parent channel for
the next avulsion.
Avulsion deposits
Because avulsions are expectable consequences of aggradation
and the principal mechanisms by which laterally extensive
alluvial deposits are formed, we should expect abundant evi-
dence of avulsion in alluvial stratigraphie successions. As yet,
however, only a few studies of ancient river sediments have
drawn specific attention to avulsion processes or deposits.
Evidence for avulsion is often straightforward but indirect.
For example, the mere presence of a well-developed paleosol
within an alluvial succession suggests that avulsion resituated
the contemporaneous river channel to a location too distant to
fiood the paleosol site with fine sediment.
Direct evidence of avulsions can be found in the character of
their deposits. Avulsion involving channel reoccupation can
be inferred by well-defined, multistoried, often stepped, sand
bodies within a single channel-fill succession, or different
stratigraphie levels of levee deposits associated with the same
channel-fill. Avulsion dominated by incisions of new channels
may be manifested by abundant ribbon (low width/thickness
ratio) sand bodies encased in fine fioodplain sediments and
defined by sharp erosional contacts (Mohrig et al., 2000).
Deposits of progradational avulsions tend to be the most het-
erogeneous. They include ribbon sands formed by anastomos-
ing distributary networks, sheet sands formed by crevasse
splays and channel-mouth bars, and a variety of fine-grained
sediments deposited in interchannel lows and in ponded or
otherwise slow-moving water bodies formed by the avulsion
(Smith et al., 1989). Because the avulsive sediment wedge
is predominantly progradational in character, upward-
coarsening successions, with thicknesses scaled to water depth,
are typical (Perez-Arlucea and Smith, 1999). Sedimentary suc-
cessions formed by progradational avulsions are likely to be
capped by paleosols or fine-grained fiood deposits of succeed-
ing channel belts. Ancient examples are described by Kraus
(1996) and Kraus and Wells (1999).
Norman D. Smith
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Mackey, S.D., and Bridge, J.S., 1995. Three-dimensional model of
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Formation (Western Colorado). Geological Society of America
Bulletin, tl2: 1787-1803.
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Qian Ning, 1990. Fluvial processes in the Lower Yellow River after
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Schumm, S.A., Erskine, W.D., and Tilleard, J.W., 1996. Morphology,
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Slingerland, R., and Smith, N.D., 1998. Neeessary conditions for a
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