Employing the logic and assumptions of Sec. 5.2.4, except that the choking
downstream of the single shaft turbine occurs in the fixed area exhaust nozzle
throat rather than the entry of the low-pressure turbine, the same two conclusions
are reached, namely, the turbine total temperature ratio rt and turbine total pressure
ratio zrt are constant. This result is valid for all important throttle settings, although
it may fail when choking no longer occurs at very low throttle settings.
Consequently, Eq. (D.2) now reveals that re varies only with the ratio of Tta to
00. Moreover, the compressor total pressure ratio zr~, derived from the efficiency
relationships of Eq. (4.9c-CPG), also varies only with the same ratio, to wit
yc I I ~
Tt4 ~ ~
r~ = [1 + r/c(v~ - 1)1 ~T-~ = ~ 1 + C'l-z--I (D.3)
1 Cpt
C1 = OcOm(1 -fl)(1
+ f)(1 -
rt) Tstd Cp c
It is imperative that the reader pauses to absorb the significance of these
results. First, the compressor responds primarily to the throttle setting and the
flight condition. The causal chain of events is evidently remarkably short. Second,
r~ and Zrc increase as the ratio
increases. For example, Zrc will increase when
flight Mach number and Tt4 are fixed and the aircraft climbs to higher altitudes,
and decrease when flight altitude and
are fixed and the aircraft is accelerated
to higher Math numbers.
Turbomachinery Limits: The Role of the Control System
Control systems must be designed to prevent aircraft engines from destroying
themselves (see Appendix O). Two of the most stringent turbomachinery limita-
tions are the maximum allowable values ofrrc and Tt4. The control system situation
can be easily grasped with the aid of Fig. D.2, which graphically depicts Eq. (D.3)
for a typical, example compressor.
Figure D.2 makes several things clear. First, if00 is decreased from a large initial
value while
is fixed at
is reached when 00 = 1.1. As 00 is
further decreased,
must then be reduced in order to protect the compressor from
stalling. In fact, according to Eq. (D.3), the ratio of
must remain constant
at 3300/1.1 = 3000 in order to maintain zr¢ constant at ~cmax. Second, if 00 is
increased from a small initial value while holding
constant at 3000, then
Zrc will remain fixed at Zrcmax
as Tt4
increases until, of course,
Ztnma x
is reached
at 00 = 1.1. As 0o further increases, Zrcmax cannot any longer be maintained, and
rrc gradually decreases. Third, and of
importance, is the fact that Jrc
and Tt4
simultaneously reach their upper limits
at 00 = 1.1. Finally, Fig. D.2
shows how 00 and
may be chosen to reach lower values of rrc.
The Theta Break
The unique point, so visually striking in Fig. D.2, at which the control logic
must switch from limiting Zrc to limiting
is known as the theta break, or 00
Returning briefly to Fig. D. 1, you will find it very convenient to visualize that at any