Appendix H
Mixed Flow Turbofan Engine Parametric Cycle
Analysis Equations
Appendix H summarizes the complete parametric or design point cycle analysis
equations for the mixed flow, afterbuming, two-spool turbofan engine with bleed,
turbine cooling, and power extraction. For convenience in computer programming,
the required computer inputs and principal computer outputs are given. These are
followed by the cycle equations in their order of solution. Eqs. (H. 1-16) in the
listing represents the 1 6 independent equations in terms of the 1 6 dependent compo-
nent performance variables in the order l-f, TcL, "CcH, f, V,,1, 75tH, 2"gtH, "~m2, "CtL, 7~tL,
a', VM, M16, M6A, :rrM, andfAB. Note this solution procedure requires no iteration.
Flight parameters:
Aircraft system parameters:
Design limitations:
Fuel heating value:
Component figures
of merit:
Design choices:
Overall performance:
Component behavior:
Mo, To, Po
EI~ E2
Y/'b, :r/'d max, Y/'M max,
7~AB, 7"(n
e f, ecL, ecH, etH, etL
T]b, TIAB, OmL, rlmn, rlmPL, T]mPH
7r :, zrcL, ~rc., 0~, T,4, T~7, M6, Po/ e9
F/tho, S, fo, OR, rlrn, V9/ao, Pt9/ P9
3"gtH ~ Y(tL, 7gM
"gf , TcL, 7:cH~ "gtH, TtL, 7:~,~ ~ZAB
f, fAB
Of, I~cL, T]cH, OtH, l"]tL
M6A, M9
FAIR(I, 0, To, h0,
Pro, ~bo, Cpo,
R0, Y0, a0)
Vo = Moao
hto = ho "b Vg