will be upon the selection of useful ranges of t~ and Zrc, and consideration of
and Tt4 will be delayed pending later results.
Increasing ot alone causes both
and S to decrease, in accordance with
normal expectations for subsonic turbofan engines, as the available exhaust kinetic
energy is spread over more incoming air. Because the slope of the line of constant
Zrc shows that
is decreasing percentage-wise roughly twice as fast as S, it
does not seem advisable to choose an ot greater than 0.5. Conversely, because S
meets the target or goal for moderate to high pressure ratios, no a less than 0.3
should be considered. Thus, the best ~ for this flight condition is probably in the
range of 0.3-0.5.
Increasing Zrc alone produces a more complex behavior of
and S because a
maximum of
occurs while S continuously decreases. This behavior is typical
of turbine engines, as demonstrated in Refs. 1 and 2. The maximum value of
is due to the simple fact that increasing values of Jrc (and thus
eventually limit
the amount of fuel than can be added before the allowable
is reached. One should
logically select values of Zrc that are located below the knee of the curve, but not
so far below that
is falling rapidly for slight reductions in S. Moreover, no
Zrc should be chosen that exceeds reasonable expectations, with that value today
being in the range of 35-40. Computations reveal, however, that Zrc cannot reach
that limit at high Mach flight conditions before
exceed s current capabilities
(Zt3max >
1700°R). Taken together, these reasons indicate that Zrc should be held
in the range of 20-30 for this flight condition.
Supersonic penetration and escape dash,
1.5M/30 kft. Very similar re-
marks to those just stated, both qualitative and quantitative, can be made about the
influence of zrc, zrf, a, and
Tt4 on
S and
at this flight condition. The main
differences, as illustrated by the carpet plot of Fig. 4.E5, are that
more rapidly with zrc as well as less rapidly with a in the critical area below the
knee and that there is no sign of choking of the core flow at the highest allowable
values of zr¢. Taking these factors into account, including the special need for high
thrust at this flight condition, the useful ranges of parameters are 15 < Zrc < 25
and 0.3 < a < 0.4.
Supersonic acceleration,
1.2M/30 kft. The carpet plot of the computed
results in Fig. 4.E6 reveal that both S can be reduced and
increased by
increasing 7r¢ and reducing ~. Again, changing either Tt4 or Tt7 would have the
usual effect of increasing both S and
By this time it has become clear that the desired fuel consumption goals can
be achieved at some flight conditions, but not all. Consequently, the focus of our
search must continue to be on reduced fuel consumption over the entire mission.
Otherwise, the takeoff weight
of the AAF will certainly grow beyond the
initial estimate of Chapter 3 and, because Eq. (3.49), which determines
is extremely nonlinear,
could become unacceptably large. While it is still
possible that S will be reduced when the engine is throttled back to the required
thrust, or the installation penalties will be less than estimated, or the TSFC models
of Table 4.El are conservative, nothing may yet be taken for granted.
Consequently, the engine performance information generated at this flight condi-
tion shows that 20 < zr¢ < 30 and 0 < ~ < 0.4. The results obtained so far suggest