120 Plasmon Waveguides
lateral distribution for small thickness t [Berini, 2000]. Fig. 7.11 shows the
spatial distribution of the real part of the Poynting vector for a 100 nm (a) and
40 nm (b) thin stripe. For the thick stripe, the energy is mostly guided along
the edges (Fig. 7.11a), while for the thin stripe, the Gaussian shape (Fig. 7.11b)
enables efficient end-fire coupling via spatial mode-matching.
The first experimental demonstration of the long-ranging mode employed a
t =20 nm thick and w =8 μm wide gold stripe embedded in glass, and guiding
over multiple millimeters was demonstrated [Charbonneau et al., 2000]. More
quantitative studies of its propagation characteristics followed. For 10 nm thick
stripes of similar widths embedded in a polymer host, a propagation loss of
only 6 −8 dB/cm at λ
= 1550 nm has been experimentally confirmed [Niko-
lajsen et al., 2004a]. Also, long-range SPP propagation along sub-wavelength
nanowires has been observed [Leosson et al., 2006], albeit with the mode ex-
tending appreciably into the homogeneous dielectric background as expected.
The long propagation distances and micron-sized widths (allowing lateral
structuring) of stripe waveguides have already enabled the demonstration of
useful optical elements such as bends and couplers [Charbonneau et al., 2005],
Bragg mirrors engraved directly on the waveguide [Jette-Charbonneau et al.,
2005], and integrated power monitors based on direct detection of Ohmic heat
generation [Bozhevolnyi et al., 2005a]. Also, active switches and modulators
operating on the same thermal principle have been demonstrated [Nikolajsen
et al., 2004b]. It remains to be seen at which point these waveguides will find
their first commercial applications.
We will now discuss a second important stripe waveguide geometry, namely
that of a metal stripe layer on a dielectric substrate surrounded by air. Due to
the large dielectric asymmetry between the substrate and the superstrate, in
this geometry the long-ranging mode is absent. A comprehensive survey of
the propagation lengths exhibited by such stripes has been performed by Lam-
precht and co-workers, who studied SPP propagation along 70 nm thick gold
and silver stripes with widths 1 ≤ w ≤ 54 μm [Lamprecht et al., 2001]. SPPs
on the top metal/air interface were excited using a prism coupling arrangement
with a shielding layer to prevent direct excitations along the length of the stripe
(Fig. 7.12), and SPP propagation was monitored via the collection of the light
scattered via surface roughness. A dramatic decrease in propagation length
with decreasing stripe width was observed as the width of the stripe became
comparable with the wavelength of excitation (Fig. 7.13, data points).
Apart from the significantly smaller propagation length in comparison to
the SPP modes sustained by the stripes embedded in a homogeneous medium
discussed above, it is important to note that the modes excited on the metal/air
interface in stripes using prism coupling are inherently leaky modes,asdis-
cussed in chapter 3. The propagating modes are not only attenuated due to
absorption, but also due to re-radiation into the higher-index substrate. End-