Localized Surface Plasmons and Light Transmission 153
geometry of the system is defined in more detail in Fig. 8.9. Using a modal
expansion of the fields in the slit and groove regions akin to the treatment
described in chapter 6, Martín-Moreno and co-workers showed that beaming
arises from tight-binding-like coupling between localized groove modes and
the interference of their diffracted wave patterns [Martín-Moreno et al., 2003].
An example of the intensity profile I
of the transmitted beam obtained using
this model is shown in Fig. 8.10. A similar calculation for the exact parameters
of the structure presented in Fig. 8.8 has demonstrated very good agreement be-
tween experiment and theory, both for the beam undergoing narrow transmis-
sion in the forward direction and the beam experiencing directional emission
at an angle. Additionally, the theoretical treatment confirmed that only a small
number of grooves N ≈10 is needed for establishing the narrow beam profile.
The angular intensity distribution can thus be arranged almost at will by
careful patterning of the exit surface of the screen, and it was even suggested
that focusing at well-defined wavelengths could occur, with the screen effec-
tively acting as a flat, wavelength-selective lens [García-Vidal et al., 2003b].
8.4 Localized Surface Plasmons and Light Transmission
Through Single Apertures
As pointed out in the discussion of the limitations of the Bethe-Bouwkamp
theory, even for an optically thick (and thus opaque) metal film the finite con-
ductivity of the real metal should be taken into account to correctly analyze the
transmission properties of a single aperture in a flat film. Penetration of the
incident field inside the screen enables the excitation of localized surface plas-
mons on the rim of the aperture [Degiron et al., 2004], akin to the description
in chapter 5 of localized modes in voids of a metallic film. One might expect
that also propagating SPPs can be excited by viewing the aperture as a local-
ized defect in the flat metal surface (see chapter 3). However, a detailed study
of SPP excitation by a single aperture defect is still awaiting demonstration.
The excitation of localized surface plasmons at a single sub-wavelength
aperture has two important consequences affecting the transmission T
surprisingly, due to the finite penetration of the fields into the rim of the aper-
ture, its effective diameter is increased. This in turn leads to a substantial
increase in the cut-off wavelength λ
of the fundamental waveguide mode,
compared to the physical diameter of the hole. Analytical and numerical stud-
ies have demonstrated an increase in λ
of up to 41% [Gordon and Brolo,
2005], which has to be taken into account when studying apertures with a di-
ameter just below the cut-off diameter for a perfectly-conducting screen, in
light of the problem of correct normalization of the transmission coefficient
mentioned earlier. Furthermore, theoretical studies of the transmission prob-
lem of a circular hole in a metal screen described by a free-electron dielectric