Enhancement of Nonlinear Processes 175
cal fields. A different model for the enhancement process was recently pro-
posed by Dulkeith and co-workers in a study of the photoluminescence of gold
nanospheres [Dulkeith et al., 2004]. As in the earlier studies, their observed
luminescence spectrum closely followed that of the localized plasmon mode of
the nanospheres (Fig. 9.11a). However, the obtained efficiency of 10
not be explained using the local field model. Instead, a different model was
proposed whereby a significant portion of the excited sp electrons decay into
plasmons (Fig. 9.11b). The dominance of the plasmon decay channel was at-
tributed to the large polarizability of the particle plasmon mode, leading to a
greater radiative decay rate than that of a direct interband recombination. In
this picture, the radiative decay of the plasmon into photons gives rise to the
observed photoluminescence enhancement.
The luminescence processes discussed above are inherently linear or one-
photon processes. Significant enhancement can also be achieved by using
multi-photon absorption [Farrer et al., 2005], a description of which is how-
ever outside the scope of this book.
9.6 Enhancement of Nonlinear Processes
We want to conclude this chapter by presenting another category of emissive
processes enhanced due to plasmonic field localization, namely that of nonlin-
ear light generation. After the discussions above, it should come as no surprise
that also nonlinear processes such as second or third harmonic generation can
be strongly enhanced due to localized surface plasmons, as described by the
local field model.
In principle, two different configurations exist, depending on whether the
nonlinear effects are due to the intrinsic nonlinear susceptibility of the metal
nanostructure itself, or caused by a nonlinear surrounding host. Both nonlinear
processes are enhanced at frequencies within the lineshape of the localized
plasmon. We will focus here on a brief description of the former process in the
form of second harmonic generation from the metal nanostructures themselves.
The fact that metallic surfaces can emit second harmonic radiation in reflec-
tion despite the cubic symmetry of the metallic lattice is due to the breaking
of the symmetry at the surface [Bloembergen et al., 1968, Rudnick and Stern,
1971, Sipe et al., 1980]. This process can be enhanced by the coupling to sur-
face plasmons on flat films [Simon et al., 1974] or on films inscribed with a
grating [Coutaz et al., 1985]. In the latter study, an enhancement factor of 36
compared with the flat film case was found. As with luminescence, significant
enhancement of the second harmonic radiation can also be observed on rough
metal surfaces [Chen et al., 1983], explained by the local field model. In this
case, we expect the power P
of the second harmonic radiation to scale as
. (9.10)