196 Metamaterials and Imaging with Surface Plasmon Polaritons
where ω
is the resonance frequency and F a geometrical factor. describes
resistive losses in the split ring resonator. As for a typical resonance process,
for ω ω
the induced magnetic dipole is in phase with the excitation field.
In this region, the metamaterial therefore exhibits a paramagnetic response.
For increasing frequencies, the currents start to lag behind the driving field,
and for ω ω
the dipole response is completely out of phase with the
driving field. In this region, the metamaterial is diamagnetic (μ<1). For
the frequency region just above ω
, the permeability is negative (μ<0).
We note that the magnetic dipole is an induced dipole only - no permanent
magnetic moment is present.
This discussion of metamaterials with an engineered electric or magnetic
response suggests that a material consisting of a lattice of both split ring res-
onators and metal wires or rods should exhibit a frequency region where both
ε<0andμ<0, implying n<0. Shelby and co-workers demonstrated such
a negative-index metamaterial at microwave frequencies [Shelby et al., 2001].
Using a wedge-shaped structure, negative refraction (a consequence of a nega-
tive refractive index) was confirmed [Smith et al., 2004]. While the metamater-
ial used in this study was of a three-dimensional nature, inherently planar struc-
tures consisting of split ring resonators and rods working at THz frequencies
have been successfully fabricated using microfabrication techniques [Moser
et al., 2005].
For microwave and THz frequencies, metamaterials such as the ones de-
scribed above consisting of conductive materials show a simple size scaling of
their resonance frequencies, i.e. ω
∝ 1/a,wherea is the typical size of a
split ring resonator. However, this scaling breaks down for higher frequencies,
where the response of the metal becomes less and less ideal, and the kinetic
energy of the electrons needs to be taken into account. Theoretical investiga-
tions have suggested that this leads to a saturation of the increase of ω
frequency for f>100 THz (λ
< 3 μm) [Zhou et al., 2005]. Using gold split
ring resonators of a minimum feature size of 35 nm, Klein and co-workers have
shown that the resonance in μ can be pushed down to a wavelength λ=900 nm
in the near-infrared. It is at this point not clear how much the resonance fre-
quency can be increased into the visible regime using this concept.
Apart from split ring resonators, rod-shaped structures can also be used to
create a material with negative refractive index in the near-infrared. Shalaev
and co-workers demonstrated n =−0.3atλ = 1.5 μm using a metamater-
ial consisting of rod-shaped gold/insulator/gold sandwich structures [Shalaev
et al., 2005]. Fig. 11.2 shows a schematic and a SEM image of the compos-
ite rod structure and the metamaterial lattice. Each rod consists of a 50 nm
layer sandwiched between two 50 nm gold layers. As in our discussion
of split ring resonators, the magnetic response can be thought to arise from
a resonance in the LC circuit consisting of the bottom and top gold layer, as