Localized Modes in Gaps and Grooves 129
7.5 Localized Modes in Gaps and Grooves
In our discussion of metallic stripes embedded into a homogeneous host, we
have only focused on the long-ranging SPP mode with low field localization.
Other modes such as the asymmetric sa
or aa
offer sub-wavelength con-
finement perpendicular to the interfaces (Fig. 7.10) [Berini, 2000]. Also, the
investigations of metallic nanowires presented in the preceding section suggest
that such structures allow a transverse mode area smaller than the diffraction
limit. An additional and easily amenable structure (both analytically and ex-
perimentally) offering sub-wavelength confinement are metal/insulator/metal
waveguides, where the mode is confined to the dielectric core in the form of
a coupled gap-SPP between the two interfaces. We have analyzed the sub-
wavelength energy localization offered by the fundamental mode sustained by
this structure in chapter 2, demonstrating that even though upon decreasing
gap-size an appreciable fraction of the total mode energy resides inside the
metal, increased localization to the interface leads to a high electric field inside
the dielectric core, pushing the effective mode length of the one-dimensional
system into the deep sub-wavelength region. Therefore, the mode confinement
below the diffraction limit of metal/insulator/metal waveguides could enable
integrated photonic chips with a high packing density of waveguiding modali-
ties [Zia et al., 2005c].
Two-dimensionally localized modes in SPP gap waveguides have been an-
alyzed analytically both in vertical geometries [Tanaka and Tanaka, 2003] -
resembling the discussion in chapter 2 - and in planar analogues [Veronis and
Fan, 2005, Pile et al., 2005]. An experimental proof-of-concept realization
of the latter gap geometry has further established that end-fire coupling to
waveguides with even sub-wavelength slot widths is possible [Pile et al., 2005].
Another simple geometry of SPP gap waveguides are grooves of triangular
shape milled into a metal surface. Analytical [Novikov and Maradudin, 2002]
and FDTD studies [Pile and Gramotnev, 2004] have suggested that a bound
SPP mode exists at the bottom of the groove, offering sub-wavelength mode
confinement. Due to the phase mismatch between the SPP modes propagating
at the bottom of the groove and the inclined plane boundaries, the mode stays
confined at the bottom without spreading laterally upwards. Qualitatively, the
dispersion of the mode is similar to that in planar structures [Bozhevolnyi
et al., 2005b]. Experimentally, it was shown that 0.6 μmwideand1μm deep
grooves milled into a gold surface (using a focused ion beam) guide a bound
SPP mode in the near-infrared telecommunications window with a propagation
length on the order of 100 μm and a mode width of about 1.1 μm[Bozhevol-
nyi et al., 2005b]. The appreciable propagation length offered by this geometry
allows the creation of functional photonic structures. Examples of SPP prop-
agation at λ
= 1500 nm are shown in Figs. 7.20 and 7.21 for a number of
functional structures such as waveguide splitters, interferometers and couplers