Planar Elements for Surface Plasmon Polariton Propagation 111
Figure 7.2. (a) SEM image of a SPP Bragg reflector consisting of ordered particle arrays
on a metal film substrate. (b) SPP propagation imaged via monitoring of the emission of a
fluorescent superstrate. Reprinted with permission from [Ditlbacher et al., 2002b]. Copyright
2002, American Institute of Physics.
Fig. 7.2 shows a Bragg reflector based on this principle, consisting of par-
allel lines of particles with diameter 140 nm. An interline spacing of 350 nm
(Fig. 7.2a) fulfilled the Bragg condition for SPPs impinging at a 60
angle on
the array and thus lead to the specular reflection of the SPP wave (fluorescent
image in Fig. 7.2b). In this case, the reflection coefficient of a Bragg mirror
consisting of 5 lines was estimated to be 90%, with the remaining fraction
being scattered out of the plane into radiation. This proof-of-principle study
suggests that planar passive optical elements for the routing of SPP propaga-
tion can be fabricated in an easy manner. We will show in the next section
that the lateral extent of SPPs can be controlled by extending the Bragg mirror
concept to create surface plasmon photonic cyrstals exhibiting band gaps for
propagation in desired frequency regions.
Another approach for controlling SPP propagation at a single metal inter-
face is the spatial modification of the SPP dispersion and thus phase veloc-
ity via dielectric nanostructures deposited on top of the film [Hohenau et al.,
2005b], by analogy to the conventional routing of free-space beams with di-
electric components such as lenses. Figure 7.3 shows the calculated dispersion
relations of SPPs in a glass/gold/superstrate multilayer system for both the s
modes (magnetic fields on the two metal interfaces in phase) and the a modes
(magnetic fields at the two metal interfaces out of phase) for varying dielectric
constants ε
of the superstrate. It is evident that an increase in ε
leads to an
increase in SPP wave vector, as discussed in chapter 2. This implies that the
phase velocity of the propagating waves can be locally decreased by introduc-
ing dielectric structures on top of the metal film. By adjusting the geometric
shape of the dielectric perturbations and thus the regions of reduced phase ve-
locity, it is therefore possible to fabricate optical components such as lenses
and waveguides for SPP propagation, albeit with increased attenuation due to
the closer confinement of the mode to the metal surface.
Figure 7.4 demonstrates that via this concept, the focusing (top row) and
refraction/reflection (bottom row) of SPPs can be achieved using cylindrical- or