94 Electromagnetic Surface Modes at Low Frequencies
Figure 6.4. (a) One-dimensional array of grooves of width a and depth h with lattice constant
d. (b) The effective medium approximation of the structure. Reprinted with permission from
[García-Vidal et al., 2005a]. Copyright 2005, Institute of Physics.
tor, provided that its surface is periodically corrugated [Pendry et al., 2004].
For real metals with finite conductivity, these designer or spoof SPPs should
dominate over the delocalized Sommerfeld-Zenneck waves. If the size and
spacing of the corrugations is much smaller than the wavelength λ
, the pho-
tonic response of the surface can be described by an effective medium dielectric
function ε
of the plasma form, with ω
determined by the geometry. Thus,
the dispersion relation of the surface mode can be engineered via the geome-
try of the surface, allowing tailoring to particular frequencies. In the effective
medium model, the establishment of surface waves can be physically under-
stood by realizing that the surface modulations allow for an average finite field
penetration into the effective surface layer, akin to the field penetration into
real metals at visible frequencies leading to the formation of confined SPPs. A
material with sub-wavelength structure exhibiting such an effective photonic
response is also known as a metamaterial.
While it can be shown that any periodic modulation of the flat surface of
a perfect conductor will lead to the formation of bound surface states, we
present here two prominent geometries, closely following the reasoning and
notation by García-Vidal and co-workers [García-Vidal et al., 2005a] - a one-
dimensional array of grooves and a two-dimensional hole array. The approach
here should be generally applicable for the investigation of surface modes. We
note that the frequencies of the supported modes scale with the geometrical
size of the corrugations in the perfect conductor approximation.
Fig. 6.4a shows the geometry of a one-dimensional array of grooves of width
a and depth h separated by a lattice constant d on the surface of a perfect con-
ductor. The dispersion relation ω
of the surface mode with propagation
constant k
= β sustained by the modulated interface can be calculated by
examining the reflectance of a TM-polarized incident wave. The reasoning be-