Real Particles: Observations of Particle Plasmons 77
describes the plasmon linewidth of particles that are outside the
regimes where interface damping or radiation damping dominate, i.e. where
is defined by Im
alone. v
the Fermi velocity of the electrons, and
A ≈ 1 a factor incorporating details of the scattering process [Hövel et al.,
1993]. In addition to the broadening of the resonance, shifts in resonance en-
ergy have also been reported for particles of dimensions below 10 nm. How-
ever, the direction of this shift seems to depend strongly on the chemical ter-
mination of the particle surface, and both blue- and red-shifts have been exper-
imentally observed (for an overview see [Kreibig and Vollmer, 1995]).
While up to now our treatment of the interaction of a small metal particle
with an incident electromagnetic wave has been purely classical, for particles
with a radius of the order of or below 1 nm, quantum effects begin to set in. The
reason that the quantized nature of the energy levels can be discarded down to
this size scale is the large concentration of conduction electrons n ≈ 10
in metals. However, for small absolute numbers of electrons N
= nV ,the
amount of energy gained by individual electrons per incident photon excitation,
E ≈
, becomes significant compared to k
T . In this regime the notion of
a plasmon as a coherent electron oscillation breaks down, and the problem
has to be treated using the quantum mechanical picture of a multiple-particle
excitation. A description of these processes [Kreibig and Vollmer, 1995] lies
outside the scope of this book.
5.4 Real Particles: Observations of Particle Plasmons
Localized plasmon resonances can readily be observed using far-field ex-
tinction microscopy on colloidal or nanofabricated metal nanostructures under
illumination with visible light. A convenient way to create particles with a
variety of shapes, albeit of an inherently planar nature, is electron beam litho-
graphy followed by a metal lift-off process. If far-field extinction microscopy
is employed, the small size of nanoparticles with d λ
compared to the
at-best diffraction-limited illumination spot requires excitation of plasmons in
arrays of particles of equal shape in order to achieve an acceptable signal-to-
noise ratio in the extinction spectra. Typically, the particles are arranged on
a square grid [Craighead and Niklasson, 1984], with a sufficiently large in-
terparticle spacing to prevent interactions via dipolar coupling, which will be
discussed in the next section. Despite the fact that the attenuation of the exci-
tation beam is caused by absorption (and to a lesser degree scattering as long
as a λ
) by multiple particles, the high reproducibility of particle shapes
offered by electron beam lithography enables observations of resonance line-
shapes approaching that of the homogeneous lineshape of a single particle.
Fig. 5.6 shows an example of extinction spectra of gold nanowires of various
lengths fabricated using electron beam lithography and arranged in grids as
described above. Since the nanowire length d is comparable or greater than λ