48 Excitation of Surface Plasmon Polaritons at Planar Interfaces
Figure 3.10. (a) Leakage radiation intensity distribution for a TM polarized white-light con-
tinuum excitation beam, showing SPPs propagating away from the excitation spot. (b) No SPP
excitation is observed for TE polarization. Reprinted with permission from [Bouhelier and
Wiederrecht, 2005]. Copyright 2005 by the Optical Society of America.
of directly transmitted and reflected light. The highly focused beam also allows
for localized excitation in a diffraction-limited spot area.
The excited SPPs will radiate back into the glass substrate in the form of
leakage radiation at an angle θ
, which can be collected through the im-
mersion oil layer via the objective. Fig. 3.10 shows images of leakage radiation
for SPP excited using a white-light continuum, tracing the path of the excited
SPPs (in TM polarization only), since the intensity of the leakage radiation is
proportional to the intensity of the SPPs themselves. This scheme is especially
convenient for the excitation of a continuum of SPPs at different frequencies
and the subsequent determination of their propagation lenghts.
3.5 Near-Field Excitation
Excitation schemes such as prism or grating coupling excite SPPs over a
macroscopic area defined by the dimensions of the (at best diffraction-limited)
spot of the coupling beam of wavelength λ
. In contrast, near-field optical
microscopy techniques allow for the local excitation of SPPs over an area
, and can thus act as a point source for SPPs [Hecht et al., 1996].
Fig. 3.11 sketches the typical geometry: a small probe tip of aperture size
a λ
illuminates the surface of a metal film in the near field. Due to
the small aperture size, the light ensuing from the tip will consist of wave vec-
tor components k β k
, thus allowing phase-matched excitation of SPPs
with propagation constant β. Due to the ease of lateral positioning of such
probes in scanning near-field optical microscopes, SPPs at different locations
of the metal surface can be excited.
A typical near-field optical setup suitable for local SPP excitation is shown
in Fig. 3.12. SPPs propagating from the illumination spot can be conveniently
imaged by collecting the leakage radiation into the substrate of refracting index
n occurring at the SPP angle θ
defined earlier. Called forbidden light by the
authors of this study [Hecht et al., 1996] due to the fact that it is radiated outside