56 Imaging Surface Plasmon Polariton Propagation
Fig. 4.2a shows the evanescent field above a bare prism surface under the same
excitation conditions. Clearly, for the silver-coated prism propagation of elec-
tromagnetic energy away from the excitation spot is visible. Experiments such
as this enable the direct determination of the SPP propagation length L by fit-
ting the exponential tail starting at the SPP launching point. In this case, the
propagation length of the silver/air SPP was determined to be 13.2 μm, in good
agreement with theoretical modeling. Also, the in-plane spread of the SPP as
it propagates away from the excitation region can be monitored.
Collection-mode near-field optical microscopy has ever since these initial
investigations been extensively employed for studies of SPP propagation, most
prominently in a context of waveguiding along metal stripes, where the trans-
verse extent of the SPP is limited by the stripe width (chapter 7). This has
enabled the determination of the trade-off between propagation length and
out-of-plane as well as lateral confinement, and additionally investigations of
functional waveguide devices such as reflectors or Bragg mirrors. For exam-
ple, near-field imaging allowed the direct visualization of interference patterns
between co- and counterpropagating SPP waves. Some of these studies will be
presented in chapter 7 on plasmon waveguides.
Near-field probing has also proved very useful for the assessment of scat-
tering losses on structured metal surfaces [Bouhelier et al., 2001] as well as
for the determination of the dispersion properties of SPPs at curved surfaces
[Passian et al., 2004]. It has to be noted that the presence of the probing tip can
influence the dispersion, but for dielectric tips this effect can often be neglected
[Passian et al., 2005].
As might be expected, near-field optical microscopy is also often the method
of choice for studies of localized surface plasmons in metal nanoparticles or
ensembles of metal nanostructures (chapter 5). In these experiments, the light
path is usually reversed: By not collecting but illuminating the metal structure
under study via light emanating through the sub-wavelength aperture of a fiber
tip, near-field optical spectroscopy of the localized modes is possible, in addi-
tion to imaging of the spatial field distribution. Examples will be presented in
chapter 10 on spectroscopy and sensing.
In this illumination mode, the fiber probe effectively acts as a local dipolar
source for the excitation of surface plasmons (or propagating SPPs as described
in the previous chapter). Information about the electromagnetic structure of
the surface can be extracted from the transmitted or reflected light collected
using an objective in the far field. Apart from photon collection in the far field,
the metal film structure under investigation can also be directly mounted on
the photodiode itself, as shown by Dragnea and co-workers , which used this
geometry for the study of SPP propagation in sub-wavelength slits on a flat
metal film [Dragnea et al., 2003].