198 Metamaterials and Imaging with Surface Plasmon Polaritons
symbolized in Fig. 11.2a. The metal rods provide the inductance, and the insu-
lating spacer layer the capacitance. The refractive index of this metamaterial
in the near-infrared range of the spectrum is shown in Fig. 11.3. Around the
telecommunication window at λ = 1500 nm, n<0. We note that contrary to
the metamaterials discussed so far, the dimensions of the unit cell (Fig. 11.2c)
are of the order of the wavelength. Also, as with split ring resonators, a simple
linear scaling with size towards higher frequencies in the visible regime should
be prevented both by increasing losses and the importance of plasmonic effects.
In another study, a metamaterial with negative permeability in the visible
part of the spectrum was demonstrated by Grigorenko and co-workers. In
this case, the metamaterial consists of pairs of dome-shaped gold nanoparti-
cles [Grigorenko et al., 2005]. The pairs essentially act as small bar magnets,
and antisymmetric coupling of the localized plasmon resonances gives rise to
cancellation of the magnetic component of the incident field, thus yielding
μ<0. Also, an approach has recently been suggested based on U-shaped
metal nanoparticles, making active use of the plasmonic response instead of
LC-effects, which should provide n<0 at optical frequencies [Sarychev et al.,
2006]. Research in this field is going on at a breathtaking pace, and we can ex-
pect significant advances in the coming years.
11.2 The Perfect Lens, Imaging and Lithography
We want to finish this chapter by briefly discussing another fascinating con-
sequence of materials with a negative index of refraction, namely the possi-
bility of a perfect lens [Pendry, 2000, Smith et al., 2004]. In 2000, Pendry
showed that a slab of an ideal (lossless) material with n =−1 can reproduce
a perfect image of an object placed into the near-field on one side of the slab
at an equal distance on the other side. Due to the property of negative refrac-
tion, it can easily be shown that light from a point source on one side of the
Negative-indes slab
Object Image
Figure 11.4. Schematic of the planar negative-index lens. Light diverging from a point source
converges back towards a point in the negative-index medium due to negative refraction. On the
other side of the planar slab, another focus is formed.