144 Transmission of Radiation Through Apertures and Films
waveguide defined by the sub-wavelength aperture allows a propagating mode
to exist or not. The Bethe-Bouwkamp model is only applicable to apertures
which allow only decaying modes. For a circular (square) hole of diameter d
in a perfect screen, this condition is fulfilled in the regime where d 0.3λ
(d ≤ λ
/2), which can be calculated via a boundary analysis at the rim of the
aperture waveguide. The transmission coefficient T then decreases exponen-
tially with h [Roberts, 1987]. This is of course the behavior characteristic of a
tunneling process. For sub-wavelength apertures allowing propagating modes,
the theory outlined here is not applicable and T is much higher due to the
waveguide behavior of the aperture. Prominent examples of such waveguide
apertures are circular holes with diameters above the cut-off [de Abajo, 2002],
the well-known one-dimensional slit (which has a TEM mode without cut-off),
annular-shaped apertures [Baida and van Labeke, 2002], and apertures in the
form of a C-shape [Shi et al., 2003].
Apart from the finite screen thickness, when discussing the transmission
properties of real apertures the finite conductivity of the metal screen should
be taken into account. For optically thin films, the screen is thus not perfectly
opaque, and comparisons with the Bethe-Bouwkamp theory are not justified.
On the other hand, an optically thick film of a real metal satisfies the condition
of opacity if h is on the order of several skin depths, thus preventing radiation
tunnelling through the screen. For apertures fulfilling this condition, it has been
shown that localized surface plasmons significantly influence the transmission
process [Degiron et al., 2004]. This will be discussed in more detail in a later
section, after a description of the role of SPPs excited via phase-matching on
the input side of the screen in the tunneling process.
8.2 Extraordinary Transmission Through
Sub-Wavelength Apertures
The transmission of light through a sub-wavelength aperture of a geometry
such as a circle or a square that does not allow a propagating mode can be
dramatically enhanced by structuring the screen with a regular, periodic lattice.
This way, SPPs can be excited due to grating coupling, leading to an enhanced
light field on top of the aperture. After tunneling through the aperture, the
energy in the SPP field is scattered into the far field on the other side.
The phase-matching condition imposed by the grating leads to a well-defined
structuring of the transmission spectrum T
of the system, with peaks at
the wavelengths where excitation of SPPs takes place. At these wavelengths,
T>1 is possible - more light can tunnel through the aperture than incident
on its area, since light impinging on the metal screen is channeled through the
aperture via SPPs. This extraordinary transmission property was first demon-
strated by Ebbesen and co-workers for a square array of circular apertures in a
thin silver screen [Ebbesen et al., 1998].