184 Spectroscopy and Sensing
Further improvements in sensitivity have been predicted for single-particle
sensors employing resonance line shape design, which can either be achieved
using metallic nanoshells [Raschke et al., 2004], designed particle arrays with
near-field coupling for hot spot generation [Enoch et al., 2004], or by using
a particle-on-extended film approach to couple the particle plasmon to propa-
gating SPPs [Chen et al., 2004]. Also, the use of elongated nanoparticles has
enabled polarization-sensitive orientation sensing [Sönnichsen and Alivisatos,
The good biocompatability and well-developed surface chemistry of gold
nanoparticles has further lead to their wide use in cellular imaging. In these
studies, the nanoparticles mainly serve as a labeling agent for the tracking of
single molecules or molecular complexes. Optical microscopy techniques such
as the aforementioned dark-field illumination, differential interference contrast
or total internal reflection illumination can be used for image acquisition. First
in vivo studies extracting spectroscopic information akin to the particle-based
studies outlined above are emerging [El-Sayed et al., 2005].
However, dark-field microscopy and other techniques relying on the detec-
tion of scattered light are not suitable for very small metal nanoparticles with
diameters d 40 nm immersed in a background of scatters, such as for ex-
ample a biological cell. This is due to the fact that the scattering cross section
decreases as d
with particle diameter as discussed in chapter 5. Thus, the scat-
tering signal of particles in this small size regime is usually completely over-
whelmed by larger scatterers. In order to optically pick out the signature of par-
ticles of these small sizes, a different microscopy method relying on absorption
instead of scattering is required. Since according to Mie theory the absorption
cross section scales with size only as d
, sub-10 nm particles can be picked out
of a background of bigger particles using a photothermal imaging technique
[Boyer et al., 2002]. Fig. 10.7 shows the optical setup used in this imaging
technique, consisting of a heating beam and a second, weaker probe beam
detecting the absorption-induced thermal changes around the metal nanoparti-
cles. The red probe beam is split in two parts of orthogonal polarization, and
both beams are subsequently focused onto the sample to diffraction-limited
spots spaced at a distance on the order of 1 μm from each other. The heating
beam only overlaps with one of the probe beams, resulting in a heat-induced
change in its polarization. Recombination of the two probe beams therefore
leads to an intensity modulation, and via a scanning system an image of the
sample under study can be constructed. In-vivo images acquired using this
technique are shown in Fig. 10.8, and compared with scattering and fluores-
cence images for biological cells with incorporated gold nanoparticles, demon-
strating the improved spatial resolution due to the detection of single particles.
Before moving on, we want to briefly mention another promising technique
for the spectroscopic investigation of localized surface plasmons, based on ex-