Localized Plasmons and Gain Media 87
latter fact suggests that nanoshells are superior to solid metal nanoparticles
for refractive index sensing applications [Raschke et al., 2004, Tam et al.,
2004]. Strong localized plasmon resonances in the near-infrared region of the
spectrum are of interest for biomedical applications, e.g. for the treatment
of nanoparticle-filled tumors, which can be destroyed via absorption-induced
heating [Hirsch et al., 2003].
While the above voids have been three-dimensional in nature, essentially
two-dimensional holes in thin metallic films can also support localized plas-
mon modes. Such structures can for example be fabricated using focused
ion beam milling, and be investigated using near-field optical spectroscopy
[Prikulis et al., 2004, Yin et al., 2004]. This geometry is also promising from
a sensing viewpoint [Rindzevicius et al., 2005]. We will take a closer look on
the fascinating properties of these systems in chapter 8.
5.7 Localized Plasmons and Gain Media
We want to finish this section by taking a brief look at an emerging appli-
cation in plasmonics, namely the interaction of localized resonances with gain
media. The motivation for this application is twofold: the field enhancement
sustained by the metallic nanostructures upon resonant excitation can lead to
a reduction in the threshold for achieving inversion in the optically active sur-
rounding medium, and the presence of gain can counteract the inherent ab-
sorption losses in the metal. While this strengthening of plasmon resonances
in gain media has up to this point not been experimentally confirmed, amplifi-
cation of fluorescence due to field enhancement in mixtures of laser dyes with
metal nanoparticles has recently been observed [Dice et al., 2005].
In its simplest form, the problem of a gain-induced increase in the strength
of the plasmon resonance can be treated by analyzing the case of a sub-
wavelength metal nanosphere embedded in a homogeneous medium exhibit-
ing optical gain. The quasi-static approach presented at the beginning of this
chapter can be followed, and the presence of gain incorporated by replacing
the real dielectric constant ε
of the insulator surrounding the sphere with a
complex dielectric function ε
Using this straightforward analytical model, Lawandy has shown that the
presence of gain, expressed by Im
< 0, can lead to a significant strength-
ening of the plasmon resonance [Lawandy, 2004]. This is due to the fact that
in addition to the cancellation of the real part of the denominator of the po-
larizability α (5.7), the positive imaginary part of ε
can in principle lead to a
complete cancellation of the terms in the denominator and thus to an infinite
magnitude of the resonant polarizability. Taking as a starting point the expres-
sions for the electric fields (5.9), the depolarization field E
= E
the particle is given by