differs essentially from that of the preceding problems. We observe that all
these problems define the same energy levels, but we do not explain why this
The difficulties encountered in §2 and the length of the calculations
used in §3 and §4 contrast with the simplicity of §1; §1 justifies the following
Applying the Maslov quantization (I1,§3,6 and 7) to an
atom with one electron placed in a constant magnetic field gives the ob-
servable quantities the same values as does wave mechanics. However, the
Maslov quantization is directly related to corpuscular mechanics, hence to
the old quantum theory. Nevertheless it does not have the shortcomings of
the old theory. It has a logical justification (chapters I and II); it does not
require the determination of the nonquantized trajectories of the electron,
but only the knowledge of the classical first integrals L and M of Hamilton's
system, which defines these trajectories.
The probabilistic interpretation of this quantization is the following:
In the state defined by a choice of a triple of quantum integers (1, m, n),
the point (x, p), representing both the position x and the momentum p of the
electron, belongs to a 3-dimensional torus T(l, m, n) in the 6-dimensional
space Z(3) = E3 O+ E3; the probability that (x, p) belongs to a subset of
T(l, m, n) is defined by the invariant measure q on this torus T(1, m, n)
[see §1,(3.16)].
Remark. Let
(1, m, n) 0 (1', m', n')
be two distinct triples of quantum integers. They define (§1) tori whose
intersection is empty:
T(l, m, n) n T(1', m', n') = 0.
Let U and U' be two lagrangian functions defined on T(1, m, n) and
T(1', m', n'), respectively. Then their scalar product is [II,§2,theorem
(UI U') = 0.
Historical note.
V. P. Maslov did not give this application of his quanti-
zation. He only studied the case of quantum numbers tending toward
infinity, that is, the "correspondence principle" in quantum mechanics.