Let us show how conditions (5.1) and (5.2) enable us to solve the equation
aU = 0 using a single frame R.
LEMMA 5. Let K be an arc of a characteristic generating V. Assume that
the principal coefficient of M does not vanish on K.
1°) Let z' c- K. Let U' be a solution of the lagrangian equation aU' = 0
defined in a neighborhood of z' in V. Then there exists a neighborhood of
K in V on which the equation aU = 0 has a unique solution U such that
U = U' in a neighborhood of z'.
2°) Let R be a frame such that ER is transverse to K and XR' does not
vanish to infinite order on K n ER. Then UR is the expression in R of a
lagrangian solution U of the equation aU = 0 in a neighborhood of K
if and only if UR satisfies (5.1) and (5.2).
Notation used by the proof. VK is a neighborhood of K in V of the form
VK=B x I,
B is the ball Ibi 1 in R`-',
I is the segment ItI < const. in R;
the segments b x I are the characteristics;
0 x I is the given characteristic K, z' _ (0, 0);
U; Ij = I is a finite covering of I, V = B x Ij, j an integer.
Proof of 1°).
We make a choice of VK and Vj having the following
properties :
U' is defined on V0;
to each V; there is associated a frame R; such that V; n ER = 0;
I, is the segment j - I < t < j + 1.
If U has been defined on Vo u V, u . . . u V
_ 1
(j > 0), then using
(5.1) in the frame Ri makes it possible to extend successively the definitions
of OCR,, 0, ... , aR.,r, ... , UR, U to Y; these extensions are unique.
Proof of 2°).
The expression UR of a lagrangian function U, defined in
a neighborhood of K, satisfies (5.1) and (5.2). It remains to prove the
Let R be a frame, V,, a neighborhood of K, and