compact; section 3 requires the datum of a number v° e iJO, 001; it uses
the "restriction" of v to the value v° in the expressions UR of a formal
function U.
This process of defining lagrangian functions on V has a theoretical
justification, which is the possibility of defining their scalar product (I.),
and a pragmatic justification, namely, the process of many "approximate
calculations." An example is quantum physics, where 2ni/h plays the role
of our variable v e ill, 001, h being Planck's constant; here h is taken to
be infinitely small without comparing the orders of magnitude of the
numerical values taken by the terms coming into play when h is given its
physical value; h is given this physical value after completing the calcula-
tions in which h is assumed to be infinitely small. Another historical
example is celestial mechanics; H. Poincare has elucidated how such a
process is an approximate calculation capable of predicting celestial
phenomena with extreme precision using divergent series in which
ultimately only the first terms have to be retained. V. P. Maslov wants to
obtain "asymptotics" by the same process, that is, by making approximate
calculations. In chapter III, we shall apply this process to cases in which it
is certainly not an approximate calculation, and we shall recover numerical
results that are in agreement with experimental results. Therefore, to make
this process coherent is "a problem that poses itself and not a problem that
one poses" in the sense that H. Poincare meant it.
1. Lagrangian Operators
Let Z be a symplectic space and Q an open set in Z.
Definition 1.1.
Let a° e ,y °(Q) (II,§I,defnition 6.1). Let
R= R(
1 8 1_ _(v, 1 8
v, x'
v ax J -
be the formal differential operator associated to a° and to the 1-frame
R (II,§l,definition 6.2). The lagrangian operator associated to a° is the
collection a = {aR } of these formal differential operators aR (a° given;
R arbitrary); aR is called the expression of a in the frame R.
Theorem 2.3 will justify this terminology.
We say that a is defined on Q. We define
Supp(a) = Supp(a°)