In order to give a meaning to this result, other than by reintroducing
nonzero 1' and m', one perhaps has to use the notion of a lagrangian dis-
tribution and to refer to some of the papers of Voros [25], [26].
Let SO (3) be the group of rotations p : E3 -+ E3 leaving the
origin invariant. Let it act on E3 ® E3 as follows:
p(x, p) = (px, pp), where (x, p) e E3 © E3.
Let SO(2) be the subgroup of rotations leaving 13 (III,§1,1) that is, the
direction of the magnetic field, invariant. SO(2) evidently leaves V in-
variant. More precisely, by sections 1 and 2 of I,§1,
V = SO(2) x T2,
where T2 is a 2-dimensional torus, every point of which is left invariant
by SO(2). Recall (remark 1.1 of §1) that the universal covering group of
SO(3) is SU(2), which is a covering group of order 2. Let SU(1) be the
covering group of SO(2) of order 2. Then we have the commutative
SU(1) c-, SU(2)
SO(2) c-. SO(3)
where the vertical arrows represent natural projections of covering groups;
the horizontal arrows are inclusions. Let
V2 = SU(1) x T2.
V2 is a covering space of V of order 2; SU(1) acts on V2, leaving each
point of T2 invariant.
Definition 4. Let V be a lagrangian manifold, c°R0 its phase in a 2-frame
R0, and ji a function f,' - C. By theorem 2.2 of II,§2,
f7 1!2
OR. = dix
is the expression in Ro of a lagrangian function U defined mod(1/v) on
V. The definition of a lagrangian function on V (definition 3.2 of II,§2)
may be generalized as follows: Let V be any one of the covering spaces
of V; 0 is said to be lagrangian on V when the restriction of OR. to v0.