g is a solution of problem (2.3
RHQdg,/dR + E;=1 D,g,-,
= 0 on r[L0, M0]\E,
(HQ)3rg, is regular on r[Lo, M0].
On r[L0, M0]\E, define the formal function
U"(v) =
where S2 is defined by (2.8) of §1. Define U' by remark 2 and lemma 2.2. Then
U'(v)U"(v) is the expression URo of a solution U of problem (2.1)r. Every
solution of the system (2.1), defined on V[LO, M0] is, mod(1/vr+l), the
product of that solution and a formal number.
3°) Suppose that g is a solution of problem (2.31)r_1. Then there exists a
function gr: r[L0, MO] \i -* C satisfying (2.32) where r is replaced by
its universal covering space 1'". The function g, is defined up to an additive
constant; moreover, gr is defined on F[L0, Mo]\E if and only if the equivalent
problems (2.1), and (2.31), are solvable.
Proof of 1°).
Use lemmas 2.1,2°) and 2.2,2°).
Proof of 2°).
Use (2.6), (2.8), lemmas 2.1,2°), 2.2,2°), and 2.3, and theo-
rems 5 and 7.2 of II,§3.
Proof of 3°). Use the above theorems.
3. A Special Case
In order to supplement theorem 2, choose
H[L, M, Q, R] = 2 {P2
K[R, M] 5
2RZ {L2 + Q2 - K [R, M] }
as in §1,4, and choose K to be an affine function of M. Then condition (1.1)
is satisfied. By (4.5) of §1, the expression in Ro of the operator associated to
2v2A - 2RZKLR,v(x18x-
x2i?x)j. (3.2)