The proof of theorem 3.1 shows that the necessary condition
stated in theorem 2 can not be satisfied when a is the Klein-Gordon
operator (C 0 0) and '
0 (A depends on M).
We do not pursue this difficult study of the equation aU = 0 mod(1/v2).
In particular, we do not describe the lagrangian manifolds other than the
tori T(l, m, n) on which there exist solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation
when .f = 0 or solutions of the Schrodinger equation.
§3. The Lagrangian System
aU = (am - const.) U = (aL - const.) U = 0
When a Is the Schrodinger-Klein-Gordon Operator
0. Introduction
In §3, we study the lagrangian system that was solved mod(l/v2) in §1.
In section 1, we determine the condition under which theorem 7.2 of II,
§3 applies.
In sections 2, 3, and 4, we apply this theorem under assumptions that
become more and more strict. These assumptions finally amount to the
assumption that a is the Schrodinger-Klein-Gordon operator. Existence
theorem 4.1 is finally obtained.
Remark 0.
A Voros orally pointed out that these properties of the
Schrodinger and Klein-Gordon equations extend to the case where the
electric potential is any positive-valued function of the variable R, if the
energy level E is not constrained to be a real number, and if it can be taken
to be any formal number with vanishing phase.
1. Commutivity of the Operators a, aL2, and am Associated to the
Hamiltonians H (§1, Section 2), L2, and M (§1, Section 1)
We want to determine when theorem 7.2 of II,§3 applies to these operators,
that is, when they commute.
10) am and a (thus, in particular, am and aL=) commute.
2°) aL, and a commute if and only if
HM2Q = HM2R = 0
YL, M, Q, R. (1.1)