II,§3,7-II,§3,Conc1usion 151
Then, by lemma 5,1°), which holds for systems mod(1/v'+Z), there
exists a lagrangian solution of (7.7), on V whose expression in R is UR,
up to the addition to /3, of some function that is constant on each com-
ponent of V\ER. By theorem 5, the addition of this function to P. makes
xR 3r1, infinitely differentiable on
V; /3, is then defined up to the addition
of a function that is constant on V, that is, a multiple of fo.
By assumption (ii), Maslov's condition is satisfied; by section 6, U
is lagrangian on V mod(1/vr+1) if and only if fi, is a function: V --+ C. The
theorem follows.
8. Lagrangian Distributions That Are Solutions of a Homogeneous
Lagrangian System
Theorem 1 and lemma 5,1°) apply to solutions that are lagrangian dis-
tributions; condition (5.2) should then be stated as follows:
xR3'-1J2aR,r is
a distribution on V.
Without trying to extend either lemma 5,2°) or theorem 5 to dis-
tributions, we merely remark that theorems 7.1 and 7.2 apply to solutions
that are lagrangian distributions. Hence the following theorem holds.
Under the assumption of theorem 7.2, every
lagrangian distribution U that is a solution of the system (7.7), is a lagrangian
function mod(I/v'+1)
V. P. Maslov [10] called the "solutions defined mod 1/v" studied in sections
6 and 7 "asymptotics". But there is no reason for them to be equal mod(1/v) to
a lagrangian solution U of the equation aU = 0 (see theorem 7.2 and III, §3),
and there is no reason for the expression UR of one such solution U to be the
asymptotic expansion of a solution of the differential operator or pseudodif-
ferential operator that aR can formally define. This is shown by the examples
considered in chapter III.
The most evident feature of this lagrangian analysis, which was motivated
by the study of V. P. Maslov's treatise [10], is that it is a new structure.
It is formal. Therefore, in physics, this analysis could be reasonably
applied only to the nonobservable quantities of quantum theory.