also been suggestions of a Middle East Command to make a British pres-
ence in Egypt more justifiable, and when 1953 began, this had become a
proposed Middle East Defence Organisation designed to take the imperial
stigma but not the prestige away from a British military presence.
However, when Dulles toured the Middle East in the summer of 1953,
he was confronted with the failure of such ideas and struck by the resent-
ment that the imperial British presence was provoking in Egypt.
It was
the start of exactly what the FO feared, namely, the Americans deciding
that they now ought to make their own policies for the region and not rely
on taking the lead from the British in military matters. As Roger Allen, the
head of the African Department, noted, the American attitude to the
supply of military equipment to the Middle East made it clear that they
wanted to now establish a position to the detriment of the long-standing
British position in the region.
The FO saw problems in this new, more
independent American position, whereas the chiefs, always more inclined
to have faith in the value of American benevolence, were more concerned
with indigenous challenges to Britain’s regional position. The military
now shared the FO’s concern that hostile Egyptian nationalists could
make the base a liability,
‘as our strength declined it became increasingly
important to show we meant business there’.
This was an example of
how strategic requirements were interpreted in order to demonstrate
Britain’s global status and its valuable presence in the Middle East, rather
than having any viable operational rationale.
The prospects seemed good for a choice being made to spend increas-
ingly scarce military resources on the nuclear deterrent, and the conven-
tional forces deemed necessary for the deterrence to work and to enhance
Britain’s credibility in Europe. Yet, in fact, Britain’s imperial status as a
global power had to be consolidated because of the retreat from Egypt in
the eyes of both the military and the FO. The stationing of British forces
for Cold War reasons, ostensibly linked to the defence of the Middle East,
required a new base and a new strategy. The military gave attention to this
before the agreements on the evacuation of the Suez Canal Base were
signed with the Egyptians in the summer and autumn of 1954. The three
possible areas which came to mind in 1954 and 1955 were Cyprus, Iraq
and Jordan. None of them proved viable long-term prospects and
although Cyprus and Jordan faded from consideration in 1956 without
causing any major disasters, the quest for an Iraqi base was to lead directly
to the Baghdad Pact. Not only did this prove to be unpopular with both
Arabs and Israelis, it also proved unpopular with the French and after
some initial enthusiasm American support for the Pact soon began to
wane. It was the Pact which epitomised the farcical role of operational
capability in relation to strategy and politics and without which the Suez
debacle would have been much less likely. And then the last imperial gasp
would have been far less humiliating in bringing to an end the imperial
defence of the Middle East based on the Levant.
The Foreign Office and defence of the empire 65