Soviets. This, in turn, would mean, in the words of the Foreign Secretary
to the Government of India, Sir Denys Bray, that Britain ‘would have sur-
rendered the issues of peace or war with Russia to the incalculable actions
of an unscrupulous, reckless barbarian’.
For the Government of India,
diplomacy, not armed force, was the way to maintain India’s defences.
This line of argument was still favoured at the FO. But, the govern-
ment’s discontent with Soviet Russia, which had simmered throughout
1926 and early 1927, boiled over. The result was the Arcos raid and the
breaking of diplomatic relations with Russia. The immediate result, after
mutual recriminations, was a reduction in Anglo-Soviet tension, while the
purge of communists in the Nationalist government in China lessened
British fears for that region of the world. However, with the cessation of
formal relations, British diplomacy could no longer act directly in
Moscow. However, the Soviet threat remained. In July 1927, Chamberlain
told the CID that the British army should be organized on the basis that
its most likely field of endeavour would be on the North-West frontier.
Diplomacy was to focus on maintaining good relations with Afghanistan,
while the Birkenhead Committee, set up to examine the entire issue of
the defence of that country, emphasized the need for plans to be made to
defend the region, while a second sub-committee dealing with the secur-
ity of the Persian Gulf reached similar conclusions.
While the Bolshevik threat to Afghanistan and India went into remis-
sion in 1928, it emerged again in 1932. This resulted from an inquiry by
the Afghans as to what response the British would make should Soviet
Russia threaten Kabul.
British policy remained the same: any Soviet
attack on Afghanistan would be a casus belli; however, it also remained
imprudent to let the Afghans know this definitely. Instead, Kabul was
informed that action might be taken through the agency of the League,
and, if this proved ineffectual, British aid would be forthcoming. However,
the nature of Soviet action required to trigger such a response was left
deliberately vague. The FO was convinced by this time that Soviet Russia
would not risk taking action against Afghanistan due to the Soviet need to
contend with a belligerent Japan.
This interaction between Great Power relations and the empire also was
noticeably during the deliberations of the Defence Requirements Sub-
Committee (DRC), set up in November 1933 to consider the deficiencies
in Britain’s defences.
In these discussions, the defence of India was made
the third priority, after the need to guard against Japan and Germany.
fact, it was simply assumed in the DRC’s report that if Britain were pre-
pared to deal with the first two contingencies, then the wherewithal to
defend India could be found. This remained the position until 1938, when
once again the question of defending India was raised.
throughout this period the FO (if not the India Office) remained con-
vinced that Soviet Russia was unlikely (as a result of facing both a German
and Japanese threat) to contemplate aggression. Thus, the defence of
The Foreign Office, 1919–1939 33