10 Cf. K.A.P. Sandiford, Great Britain and the Schleswig-Holstein Question, 1848–1864:
A Study in Diplomacy, Politics, and Public Opinion (Toronto, 1975).
11 W.E. Mosse, The Rise and Fall of the Crimean System, 1855–71: The Story of a Peace
Settlement (London, 1963). On the global nature of the Anglo-Russian struggle,
cf. also A. Lambert, The Crimean War: British Grand Strategy, 1853–6 (Manches-
ter, 1990), xvi–xxi, and 269–80.
12 G.J. Alder, British India’s Northern Frontier, 1865–95: A Study in Imperial Policy
(London, 1963), 38–57, 100–13 and 165–88.
13 W.E. Mosse, ‘The End of the Crimean System: England, Russia, and the Neu-
trality of the Black Sea, 1870–1’, Historical Journal, 4 (1961): 164–90.
14 W.N. Medlicott, The Congress of Berlin and After: A Diplomatic History of the Near
Eastern Settlement, 1878–80 (London, 2nd edn. 1963), 137–47; M. Swartz, The
Politics of British Foreign Policy in the Era of Disraeli and Gladstone (London, 1985),
82–103; R. Millman, Britain and the Eastern Question, 1875–1878 (Oxford, 1979),
403–51; J. Charmley, Splendid Isolation?: Britain and the Balance of Power,
1874–1914 (London, 1999), 145–62.
15 M. Cowling, ‘Lytton, the Cabinet, and the Russians, August to November 1878’,
English Historical Review, 85 (1961): 59–79; and A.P. Thornton, ‘British Policy in
Persia, 1858–90 (I)’, ibid., 69 (1954): 569–72, for the Herat Convention.
16 R.L. Greaves, Persia and the Defence of India, 1884–92 (London, 1959), 70–120;
D.R. Gillard, ‘Salisbury and the Defence of India, 1885–1902’, in Bourne and
Watt (eds), Studies in International History: Essays Presented to W. Norton Medlicott,
here esp. 246–8.
17 Lowe, Salisbury and the Mediterranean, passim; W.N. Medlicott, ‘The Mediter-
ranean Agreements of 1887’, Slavonic Review, 5 (1926): 71–4.
18 T.G. Otte, ‘ “Floating Downstream”?: Lord Salisbury and British Foreign
Policy, 1878–1902’, in T.G. Otte (ed.), The Makers of British Foreign Policy,
112–15; K.M. Wilson, ‘Constantinople or Cairo: Lord Salisbury and the Parti-
tion of the Ottoman Empire, 1886–1897’, in K.M. Wilson, Empire and Conti-
nent: Studies in British Foreign Policy from the 1880s to the First World War (London,
1987), 1–30.
19 G.N. Sanderson, England, Europe and the Upper Nile, 1882–1899 (Edinburgh,
1965); A.S. Kanya-Forstner, ‘French Africa Policy and the Anglo-French Agree-
ment of 5 August 1890’, Historical Journal, 12 (1969): 628–50; D.R. Gillard, ‘Sal-
isbury’s Africa Policy and the Heligoland Offer of 1890’, English Historical
Review, 85 (1960): 631–53; C.J. Lowe, ‘Anglo-Italian Differences over East
Africa and Their Effects on the Mediterranean Entente’, ibid., 81 (1966):
319–30; M.P. Hornik, ‘The Anglo-Belgian Agreement of 12 May 1894’, ibid., 62
(1942): 233–43; A.J.P. Taylor, ‘Prelude to Fashoda: The Question of the Upper
Nile, 1894–5’, ibid., 65 (1950): 52–80.
20 Otte, ‘ “Floating Downstream”?’, 116–17; J.A.S. Grenville, ‘Gołuchowski,
Salisbury, and the Mediterranean Agreements, 1895–7’, Slavonic and East Euro-
pean Review, 36 (1958): esp. 353–5.
21 D.C.M. Platt, Finance, Trade and Politics in British Foreign Policy, 1815–1914
(Oxford, 1968), 20–2.
22 H.D. Traill, Central Government (London, 1881), 78–80.
23 Kimberley to Ripon (private), 6 Nov. 1893, Ripon Mss, British Library, Add.
Mss 43526.
24 Granville to Gladstone, 29 Oct. 1879, in A. Ramm (ed.), Gladstone–Granville Corre-
spondence, 1868–1876 (2 vols, London, 1952), vol. I, 351. For the above cf. N.S.
Johnson, ‘The Role of the Cabinet in the Making of Foreign Policy, 1885–1895’,
with special reference to Lord Salisbury’s second administration’ (D.Phil. thesis,
Oxford, 1970); V. Cromwell and Z.S. Steiner, ‘The FO before 1914: A Study in
Resistance’, in G. Sutherland (ed.), Studies in the Growth of Nineteenth Century
The Foreign Office, 1856–1914 25