of the Malay Barrier? The Place of the Philippines in Admiralty Naval War
Planning, 1925–1941’, War in History, 3, 4 (1996), pp. 398–417; ibid., ‘Main
Fleet to Singapore? Churchill, the Admiralty, and Force Z’, Journal of Strategic
Studies, 18, 1 (1995), pp. 79–93; Christopher Bell, ‘ “Our Most Exposed
Outpost”: Hong Kong and British Far Eastern Strategy, 1921–1941’, Journal of
Military History, 60, 1 (1996), pp. 61–88 and, most recently, ibid., ‘The “Singa-
pore Strategy” and the Deterrence of Japan: Winston Churchill, the Admiralty
and the Dispatch of Force Z’ English Historical Review, 116, 467 (2001), pp.
604–34. There is a useful account in Malcolm H. Murfett, John N. Miksic,
Brian P. Farrell, Chiang Ming Shun, Between Two Ocean: A Military History of
Singapore from First Settlement to Final British Withdrawal (Oxford, 1999), pp.
145–74. In addition, Christopher Bell, The Royal Navy, Seapower and Strategy
between the Wars (London, 2000) and Ong Chit Chung, Operation Matador.
Britain’s War Plans against the Japanese 1918–1941 (Singapore, 1997), put the
subject into context.
59 The best introduction to the Washington Conference is the issue of Diplomacy
and Statecraft, 4, 3 (1993) edited by Erik Goldstein and John Maurer, which is
devoted to the topic. For Canada, see Fry, Illusions of Security, pp. 154–86.
60 Nish, Alliance in Decline, pp. 368–82.
61 J. Kenneth McDonald, ‘The Washington Conference and the Naval Balance of
Power, 1921–2’, in John B. Hattendorf and Robert S. Jordan, eds, Maritime
Strategy and the Balance of Power. Britain and America in the Twentieth Century
(London, 1989), pp. 189–213.
62 The Treasury was unable to control cost until the late 1920s; see John Ferris,
‘Treasury Control, the Ten Year Rule and British Service Policies, 1919–1924’,
Historical Journal, 30 (1987), pp. 359–83. For the Soviet threat, see Babij, ‘Impe-
rial Defence Policy’, pp. 37–59; Antony Best, British Intelligence and the Japanese
Challenge in Asia, 1914–1941 (Basingstoke and New York, 2002), pp. 49–69.
63 Neilson, ‘Unbroken Thread’, pp. 73–5.
64 Foreign Relations in Relations to Russia and Japan’, CID 710-B, Tyrrell (PUS),
27 July 1926, Cab 4/15.
65 Edmund S.K. Fung, ‘The Sino-British Rapprochement, 1927–1931’, Modern
Asian Studies, 17, 1 (1983), pp. 79–105; ibid., The Diplomacy of Imperial Retreat:
Britain’s South China Policy, 1924–1931 (Oxford, 1991).
66 Dick Richardson, The Evolution of British Disarmament Policy in the 1920s
(London and New York, 1989) is the best study, although rather partisan.
67 David Omissi, ‘Technology and Repression: Air Control in Palestine 1922–36’,
Journal of Strategic Studies, 13, 4 (1990), 41–63; ibid., Air Power and Colonial
Control: The RAF 1919–1939 (Manchester, 1990); Charles Townshend, ‘Civil-
ization and “Frightfulness”: Air Control in the Middle East Between the Wars’,
in Chris Wrigley, ed., War Diplomacy and Politics. Essays in Honour of A.J.P. Taylor
(London, 1986), pp. 142–62. More generally, see Philip Towle, Philip, ‘British
Security and Disarmament Policy in Europe in the 1920s’, in R. Ahmann, A.M.
Birke and M. Howard, eds, The Quest for Stability. Problems of West European Secur-
ity 1918–1957 (Oxford, 1993), pp. 127–53.
68 For the Geneva Conference, see Tadashi Kuramatsu, ‘The Geneva Naval Con-
ference of 1927: The British Preparation for the Conference, December 1926
to June 1927’, Journal of Strategic Studies, 19 (1996), pp. 104–21; ibid., ‘Viscount
Cecil, Winston Churchill and the Geneva Naval Conference of 1927: Si vis
pacem para pacem vs si vis pacem para bellum’, in T.G. Otte and Constantine A.
Pagedas, eds, Personalities, War and Diplomacy: Essays in International History
(London, 1997), pp. 105–27; Babij, ‘Imperial Defence Policy’, pp. 70–83.
69 Orest Babij, ‘The Second Labour Government and British Maritime Security,
1929–1931’, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 6, 3 (1995), pp. 645–71; Orest Babij, ‘The
The Foreign Office, 1919–1939 47