The first plan for the defence of the Middle East with the forces then
available, drawn up in June 1948 and known as Plan Sandown, was based
on the Tel Aviv–Ramallah line.
This was hardly the defence of the Middle
East and could only be portrayed as such if it was assumed that in the
future more forces would be available at cheaper cost. When in fact the
opposite turned out to be the case and the limited practical boundary of
operations defined by the Tel Aviv–Ramallah continually expanded, this
inconvenient fact was largely ignored. Yet, it enabled the FO to help define
a world role for Britain by calling on strategic justifications that the military
were only too happy to provide, however spurious, in operational terms.
The American change of strategy with its abandonment of a Middle East
commitment in the early stages of war did have one important con-
sequence. The planners were asked in November 1949 to revise the exist-
ing Strategic Position of the Commonwealth Paper of 1947. When they did
so, and it was presented to the Defence Committee in June 1950,
changes reflected the fact that Britain was still deemed to be playing an
important world role. The choice of empire or Europe was being avoided,
even though the increasing disparity between commitments that had to be
retained for geopolitical/status reasons, and the resources that were avail-
able to meet them continued to grow. This disparity really emerged in the
mid-1950s, but the signs were already there during 1949–1950.
The problem by August 1949 was not just the American reluctance to
accept the three pillars (Britain, the Middle East and the defence of sea
communications) of imperial defence. The FO feared the economic con-
sequences of Europe not recovering and dragging Britain down, so policy
makers found it easier to accept a special place in an American-dominated
Yet they remained committed to some lesser form of integration
and cooperation with Western Europe as this could provide the Ameri-
cans with a rationale for Britain’s special position. In addition, the Cold
War need of solidifying a Western bloc, for which the military (apart from
Montgomery) had little time, was now a key FO consideration. Yet, the dif-
ficulties of committing forces to Europe,
which gave substance to the
desired cooperation in line with a military strategy, remained. The military
remained reluctant to have the military importance of Commonwealth
defence superseded by the political importance of NATO.
The retreat from empire in the sense of its military/strategic raison
d’être or in the influence and prestige that a military commitment
represented was not underway. The provision of ‘security’ through bases
and their apparent strategic rationale could give a power like Britain,
seeking the preservation of a global role, important cards to play. Even if
imperialism and empire were no longer acceptable words, and even if
Britain lacked the military resources to carry out effective operations,
there was the Cold War. As we will see, the FO and the military came
increasingly to support each other in the attempts to promote a global
role for Britain by using imperial defence, especially the protection of
The Foreign Office and defence of the empire 57