for all, including and most importantly Great Britain itself as ideas of
culture, race and civilisation permeated as aspects of that nation’s live,
consciously and sub-consciously. The British system of imperial defence
was the first modern British “Force For Good”, and it is the task of this
collection to show how its multiple parts were connected and operated.
Whether or not it achieved its lofty goal is a tale for other studies
1 John Charmley, Splendid Isolation? Britain and the Balance of Power 1874–1914
(London, 1999); Lawrence James, The Rise and Fall of the British Empire
(London, 1994); Anil Seal, ed., The Decline, Revival and Fall of the British Empire:
The Ford Lectures and Other Essays (Cambridge, 1982); Niall Ferguson, Empire:
How Britain Made the Modern World (London, 2004).
2 C.J. Lowe, The Reluctant Imperialists: British Foreign Policy, 1878–1902, vols. I and
II (London, 1967); W.C.B. Tunstall, “Imperial Defence, 1815–1870”, vol. 2, pp.
807–41; “Imperial Defence, 1870–1897”, vol. 3, pp. 230–54; “Imperial Defence,
1897–1914”, vol. 3, pp. 563–604, all in the E.A. Benians, J.R.M. Butler and C.E.
Carrington eds, Cambridge History of the British Empire (Cambridge, 1940, 1959);
Keith Neilson, Britain and the Last Tsar: Anglo-Russian Relations, 1894–1917
(Oxford, 1995); D.C. Watt, “Imperial Defence Policy and Imperial Foreign
Policy, 1911–1939: A Neglected Paradox”, Journal of Commonwealth Political
Studies, 1(1963); John Kent, British Imperial Strategy and the Origins of the Cold
War, 1944–49 (Leicester, 1993).
3 David French, “Rationality and Irrationality in the Political Economy of British
Defence Policy: The Pre-1914 and Pre-1939 Eras Compared”, paper given at
the Second International Strategy Conference, Carlisle Barracks, 1991;
Antonín Basch, The New Economic Warfare (London, 1942).
4 Michael Howard, The Continental Commitment: The Dilemma of British Defence
Policy in the Era of Two World Wars (London, 1972); W. Wark, The Ultimate
Enemy: British Intelligence and Nazi Germany, 1933–39 (Ithaca, NY, 1985); B.J.C.
McKercher, Transition of Power: Britain’s Loss of Global Pre-eminence to the United
States, 1930–1945 (Cambridge, 1999).
5 P.J. Cain and A.G. Hopkins, British Imperialism, 1688–2000, 2nd edn. (London,
6 T.G. Otte ed., The Makers of British Foreign Policy: From Pitt to Thatcher (Basing-
stoke, 2002); Greg C. Kennedy and Keith Neilson eds, Incidents and Inter-
national Relations: People, Power, and Personalities (Westport, CT, 2002).
7 Donald M. Schurman, John Beeler ed., Imperial Defence, 1868–1887 (London,
1997); Eric A. Walker, The British Empire: Its Structure and Spirit (Oxford, 1943).
8 John F. Beeler, British Naval Policy in the Gladstone and Disraeli Era, 1866–1880
(Stanford, CA, 1997); C.I. Hamilton, Anglo-French Naval Rivalry, 1840–1870
(Oxford, 1993); Andrew Lambert, The Crimean War: British Grand Strategy
against Russia, 1853–56 (Manchester, 1990); G.A.H. Gordon, British Seapower
and Procurement Between the Wars (London, 1988); Nicholas Tracy ed., The
Collective Naval Defence of the Empire, 1900–1940 (London, 1997); Christopher
Bell, The Royal Navy, Seapower and Strategy between the Wars (London, 2000); Paul
Haggie, Britannia at Bay: The Defence of Britain’s Far Eastern Empire, 1919–1941
(Oxford, 1981); Greg Kennedy, Anglo-American Strategic Relations and the Far
East, 1933–1939 (London, 2002); T124, Sea Power (London, 1940).
9 David French, Raising Churchill’s Armies (Oxford, 1999); Hew Strachan, The First
World War (Oxford, 2000); Lawrence James, The Rise and Fall of the British Empire
Introduction 7