The size of the Company’s army was drastically reduced, and by the mid-
1860s there were 120,000 Indians in the three Presidency armies of
Bombay, Calcutta and Madras and 60,000 British soldiers.
The third measure that the British took to minimise the chances of
future large-scale mutinies was that they deliberately raised Indian regi-
ments on a local basis and from amongst a variety of caste and religious
groups. Doing this, they hoped to ensure that their sepoys felt loyalty to
their regiment and to their caste, but not to the army as a whole, in the
hope that this would reduce the possibility that large numbers of soldiers
would combine around a common grievance. The British developed an
elaborate theory of ‘martial races’ that dictated that certain social groups
and religious minorities, usually from amongst the least-westernised groups
in Indian society, were better fitted than others to the profession of soldier-
ing. In particular, they recruited from amongst Gurkhas, Sikhs, Rajputs and
Dogras in preference to any groups from Madras, Bengal or Bombay.
After the initial period of conquest, which was concluded by 1918, the
British maintained no European troops in Africa other than their garrison
in Egypt and a couple of infantry battalions in the Sudan. Elsewhere in
Africa, they raised local forces and used them as gendarmerie to impose
and maintain their control. Just as in India, they developed and applied a
‘martial race’ theory, preferring to recruit peasants from groups outside the
mainstream of indigenous society.
Such men, they believed, could be more
easily moulded into loyal, obedient and disciplined soldiers, because they
were unsullied by European education. The largest of these forces were the
RWAFF and the King’s African Rifles. The RWAFF was established in 1898.
In the interwar period, it maintained one company in Gambia, two com-
panies in Sierra Leone, one battalion in the Gold Coast and four battalions
in Nigeria. The King’s African Rifles, formed in 1902, operated in the East
African territories. It had one battalion in Kenya, two in Tanganyika, one in
Uganda and another divided between Somaliland and Nyasaland. Following
the mutiny of Egyptian Army regiments in Khartoum in 1924, the British
formed a separate small army in the Sudan, the Sudan Defence Force.
in the Indian Army, units were led by British officers. But unlike in India,
officers were seconded from British regiments and served for only a com-
paratively short time before returning to them. The climate and the threat
of disease in tropical Africa made prolonged service with African units unat-
tractive to Europeans, but the offer of higher pay, greater responsibility and
generous leave meant that African units were rarely short of British officers.
The African rank and file were attracted by the promise of regular wages, a
uniform, and at times, the possibility of loot. Formal discipline was probably
more draconian than in Indian regiments, and flogging was not finally abol-
ished in the British African army until 1946.
But it would be wrong to suggest that the British relied solely or even
largely on formal disciplinary sanctions to keep their soldiers in line. The
basic building block of the British army, and its Indian and colonial
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