Excel provides an easy way to perform the calculations. We type in the values, 0, 1, 2, ..., 10 for each
time period down the first column, type in the value of the initial price, P
, in the second column, and then
copy the relevant formula down the second column to generate successive values of P
. Once this has been
done, Chart Wizard can be used to draw the time path.
The most appropriate way of representing the results graphically is to use a bar chart. We would like the
numbers in the first column of the spreadsheet to act as labels for the bars on the horizontal axis.
Unfortunately, unless we tell Excel that we want to do this, it will actually produce two sets of bars on the
same diagram, using the numbers in column A as heights for the first set of bars, and the numbers in col-
umn B as heights for the second set. This can be avoided by entering the values down the first column as
text. This is done by first highlighting column A and then selecting Format: Cells from the menu bar. We
choose the Number tab, and click on Text and OK. We can now finally enter the values of 0, 1, 2, ..., 10 in
the first column, together with the headings and numerical value of P
in column 2 as shown in Figure 9.3.
The remaining entries in column B are worked out using the difference equation
= 12 − P
For example, the entry in cell B6 is P
which is calculated from
= 12 − P
The value of P
is located in cell B5, so we need to type the formula
into B6. Subsequent values are worked out in the same way, so all we need do is drag the formula down to
B15 to complete the table.
Chart Wizard can now be used to plot this time path. We first highlight both columns and then click on
Chart Wizard. The bar chart that we want is the one that is automatically displayed, so we just press the
Finish button. To close the gaps between the bars, click on any one bar. A square dot will appear on each
bar to indicate that all bars have been selected. We then choose Format: Selected data series for the menu
bar. Finally, click on the Options tab, reduce the Gap Width to zero and click OK. The final spreadsheet is
shown in Figure 9.4. It illustrates the oscillatory convergence and shows that the price eventually settles
down to a value just greater than 7.
9.1 • Difference equations
Figure 9.3
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