Linear Programming
A small manufacturer produces two kinds of good, A and B, for which demand exceeds capacity. The pro-
duction costs for A and B are $6 and $3, respectively, each, and the corresponding selling prices are $7 and $4.
In addition, the transport costs are 20 cents and 30 cents for each good of type A and B, respectively. The con-
ditions of a bank loan limit the manufacturer to maximum weekly production costs of $2700 and maximum
weekly transport costs of $120. How should the manufacturer arrange production to maximize profit?
As mentioned in Section 8.1, there are three things constituting a linear programming problem: a pair of
unknowns x and y, an objective function that needs maximizing or minimizing, and some constraints. We
consider each of these in turn.
The manufacturer has to decide exactly how many goods of types A and B to produce each week. These
are therefore the unknowns of this problem and we denote these unknowns by the letters x and y: that is,
we let
x = number of goods of type A to be made each week
y = number of goods of type B to be made each week
The final sentence of the problem states that the manufacturer should choose these quantities to maximize
profit. Hence we need to find a formula for profit in terms of x and y. Now for each good of type A the
production costs are $6 and the transport costs are 20 cents. The total cost is therefore $6.20. If the selling
price is $7, it follows that the profit made on a single item is 80 cents. Consequently, when x goods of type
A are made the total profit is x times this amount, $0.8x. Notice that the question states that ‘demand
exceeds capacity’, so all goods are guaranteed to be sold. Exactly the same reasoning can be applied to B.
The profit is 70 cents each, so when y goods of type B are made the total profit is $0.7y. Hence the profit
resulting from the production of both A and B is
0.8x + 0.7y
This then is the objective function that we want to maximize.
The next thing to do is to read through the original specification to see what restrictions are to be
imposed on the production levels. We see that the total weekly production costs must not exceed $2700. The
production costs are $6 for A and $3 for B. Hence if x goods are made of type A and y goods are made of
type B the total cost is
6x + 3y
so we require
6x + 3y ≤ 2700
Similarly, the total cost of transporting the goods is
0.2x + 0.3y
and since this must not exceed $120 we need
0.2x + 0.3y ≤ 120
On the face of it there appear to be no further constraints given in the problem. However, a moment’s
thought should convince you that we are missing two important constraints, namely
x ≥ 0 and y ≥ 0
Although these are not mentioned explicitly, it is obvious that it is impossible to manufacture a negative
number of goods.
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