method is that it provides the motivation for the ‘easier’ method. It also helps us to handle one
or two trickier problems that sometimes arise. We shall introduce both methods by concen-
trating on a specific example.
Linear Programming
Solve the linear programming problem:
Minimize −2x + y
subject to the constraints
x + 2y ≤ 12
−x + y ≤ 3
x ≥ 0
y ≥ 0
In general, there are three ingredients making up a linear programming problem. Firstly, there are several
unknowns to be determined. In this example there are just two unknowns, x and y. Secondly, there is a
mathematical expression of the form
ax + by
which we want to either maximize or minimize. Such an expression is called an objective function. In this
example, a =−2, b = 1 and the problem is one of minimization. Finally, the unknowns x and y are subject
to a collection of linear inequalities. Quite often (but not always) two of the inequalities are x ≥ 0 and y ≥ 0.
These are referred to as non-negativity constraints. In this example there are a total of four constraints
including the non-negativity constraints.
Geometrically, points (x, y) which satisfy simultaneous linear inequalities define a feasible region in the co-
ordinate plane. In fact, for this particular problem, the feasible region has already been sketched in Figure 8.7.
The problem now is to try to identify that point inside the feasible region which minimizes the value
of the objective function. One naïve way of doing this might be to use trial and error: that is, we could
evaluate the objective function at every point within the region and choose the point which produces the
smallest value. For instance, (1, 1) lies in the region and when the values x = 1 and y = 1 are substituted into
−2x + y
we get
−2(1) + 1 =−1
Similarly we might try (3.4, 2.1), which produces
−2(3.4) + 2.1 =−4.7
which is an improvement, since −4.7 <−1.
The drawback of this approach is that there are infinitely many points inside the region, so it is going to
take a very long time before we can be certain of the solution! A more systematic approach is to superim-
pose, on top of the feasible region, the family of straight lines,
−2x + y = c
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