derivatives (continued)
natural logarithms 331–40
partial 346–50, 354, 392, 395, 414, 512, 594, 669
second-order 256–8, 300–1, 347–50, 354, 392, 395,
414, 594, 671
see also differential equations; differentiation;
marginal functions
derived functions 243, 249, 665
determinants of matrices 473, 474, 480, 481–3, 488,
simultaneous equations solved using 492–501, 664
difference equations 553–68, 665
complementary functions 555, 556, 557, 558, 560,
562, 566, 664
equilibrium values 558, 566, 665
exploding time paths 557
general solutions 555, 557–8, 563, 566, 666
graphical interpretations 556–9
initial conditions 554, 560, 563, 566, 667
linear 553–64
national income determination 559–61
non-linear 564–6
oscillatory time paths 559, 563
particular solutions 555, 556, 557, 558, 560, 562,
566, 669
stable models 559, 566, 671
supply and demand analysis 561–6
uniformly converging time paths 558, 559, 566
uniformly diverging time paths 557, 559, 566
unstable models 559, 566, 671, 672
difference rule of differentiation 254–5
difference rule of integration 427–8
difference of two squares formula 75–6
differential equations 569–86, 665
adjustment coefficients 577, 583, 663
arbitrary constants 569, 583, 663
complementary functions 573, 574, 576, 578, 580,
583, 664
equilibrium values 575, 576, 580, 583, 665
exponential functions 570–2
general solutions 569, 579, 583, 666
graphical interpretations 575
initial conditions 570, 572, 573, 575, 576, 578, 580,
581, 582, 583, 667
national income determination 577–9
particular solutions 573, 574, 575, 580, 583, 670
stable models 576, 578, 579, 583, 671
supply and demand analysis 579–83
unstable models 576–7, 671, 672
differentials 351, 354, 665
differentiation 237–340, 665
chain rule 275, 276–8, 335, 339, 593
constant rule 251–2
consumption 271–3
costs 267–8
definition 245, 249
difference rule 254–5
elasticity 284–97
exponential functions 331–40, 571
from first principles 587–90
implicit 352–4, 364 –5, 367, 591–3, 666
marginal functions 261–74
natural logarithms 331–40
optimization 304–30
partial see partial differentiation
product rule 278–80, 335, 592, 593
production functions 268–73
quotient rule 281–2, 327, 335
revenue 262–6
savings 271–3
stationary points 298–304
sum rule 252–3, 347
see also derivatives; partial differentiation
diminishing marginal productivity, law of 270–1, 273,
diminishing marginal utility, law of 361, 371, 404
diminishing returns, law of 270–1, 273, 668
discount rates 221, 234, 665
discounting 221, 234, 665
integration and 447–8
discrete compounding of interest 197–9, 220
discount formula for 221
discriminants 119, 127, 665
discrimination, price 322–6, 394–6
disposable income 102, 110, 665
distributive law 71–3, 84, 466, 665
applied in reverse 93
diverging time paths 557, 559, 566, 576, 672
algebraic fractions 77, 78, 80
fractions 77, 78, 80
matrices 455
negative numbers 17
by scale factors 180, 181
by zero 22, 426
dynamics 375, 383, 551–86, 665
difference equations 553–68
differential equations 569–86
e 164–5, 200, 570
continuous compounding of interest 200–1
differential equations 570
logarithms to base e see natural logarithms
economic functions, optimization of 298–319
economic order quantity (EOQ) 329
elastic demand 284, 285, 296, 665
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