Exponential form A representation of a number which is written using powers. For example,
is the exponential form of the number 32.
Exponential function The function f(x) = e
; an exponential function in which the base is the
number e = 2.718 28...
External demand Output that is used by households.
Factors of production The inputs to the production of goods and services: land, capital,
labour and raw materials.
Feasible region The set of points which satisfy all of the constraints in a linear programming
Final demand An alternative to ‘external demand’.
First-order derivative The rate of change of a function with respect to its independent vari-
able. It is the same as the ‘derivative’ of a function, y = f(x), and is written as f ′(x)or dy/dx.
First principal minor The 1 × 1 determinant in the top left-hand corner of a matrix; the
element, a
of a matrix, A.
Fixed costs Total costs that are independent of output.
Flow chart A diagram consisting of boxes of instructions indicating the sequence of opera-
tions and their order.
Function (of one variable) A rule that assigns to each incoming number, x, a uniquely
defined outgoing number, y.
Function of two variables A rule which assigns to each pair of incoming numbers, x and y,
a uniquely defined outgoing number, z.
Future value The final value of an investment after one or more time periods.
General solution of a difference equation The solution of a difference equation that contains
an arbitary constant. It is the sum of the complementary function and particular solution.
General solution of a differential equation The solution of a differential equation that con-
tains an arbitary constant. It is the sum of the complementary function and particular solution.
Geometric progression A sequence of numbers with a constant ratio between consecutive
terms; the nth term takes the form, ar
Geometric ratio The constant multiplier in a geometric series.
Geometric series A sum of the consecutive terms of a geometric progression.
Government expenditure The total amount of money spent by government on defence, edu-
cation, health, police, etc.
Gradient The gradient of a line measures steepness and is the vertical change divided by the
horizontal change between any two points on the line. The gradient of a curve at a point is that
of the tangent at that point.
Hessian A matrix whose elements are the second-order partial derivatives of a given function.
Homogeneous function A function with the property that when all of the inputs are multi-
plied by a constant, λ, the output is multiplied by λ
where n is the degree of homogeneity.
Identity matrix An n × n matrix, I, in which every element on the main diagonal is 1 and the
other elements are all 0. If A is any n × n matrix then AI = I = IA.
Implicit differentiation The process of obtaining dy/dx where the function is not given
explicitly as an expression for y in terms of x.
Income elasticity of demand The responsiveness of demand for one good to a change in
income: (percentage change in quantity) ÷ (percentage change in income).
Increasing function A function, y = f(x), in which y increases as x increases.
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