Paasche indices 188, 191, 193, 669
parabolas 121–7, 669
parameters 49, 63, 669
partial derivatives 346–50, 354, 392, 395, 414, 512,
594, 669
partial differentiation 341–420
comparative statics 374–85
constrained optimization 400–10
elasticity of demand 357–9
functions of several variables 343–55
Lagrange multipliers 411–20
production functions 365–71
unconstrained optimization 386–99
utility functions 359–65
particular solutions (PS)
difference equations 555, 556, 557, 558, 560, 562,
566, 669
differential equations 573, 574, 575, 580, 583, 670
percentages 177–93
index numbers 184–8
inflation 188–90, 191, 663
interest 203–4, 206, 663
scale factors 180–3
perfect competition 50, 266, 273, 392, 443–4, 670
point elasticity 285–6, 670
points of inflection 299, 316, 670
power functions
differentiation of 245, 587–8
integration of 426, 427
power(s) 142–5, 158, 159, 670
fractional 144–5, 158, 247
negative 142–3, 146, 158, 163, 221, 247, 570
rules of 145–53, 158
of zero 142, 143, 158
precautionary demand for money 105, 111, 670
present value 221–30, 234, 447–8, 670
see also net present value (NPV)
price discrimination 322–6, 394–5
price elasticity of demand 284–90, 296, 357, 358, 371,
marginal revenue and, relationship between 292–6,
price elasticity of supply 291–2, 296, 670
price equilibrium 47, 380–3, 475–6, 486
primitives see integrals
principal (simple or compound interest) 196, 206,
see also present value
problem formulation 535–8
producer’s surplus 443–4, 670
product rule of differentiation 278–80, 335, 592,
production, factors of 53, 96, 110, 149, 159, 666
production functions 149–52, 159, 268–73, 670
Cobb–Douglas see Cobb–Douglas production
constrained optimization of 401–2, 406–9, 417–19
differentiation of 268–73
exponential functions 338–9
homogeneous 151–2
input–output analysis 503
isoquants 366, 369, 370
natural logarithms 339
optimization of 304–7
partial differentiation of 365–71
productivity, labour 306–7, 316
definition 129, 139, 670
maximum 136, 138
optimization of 308–9, 320, 321–6, 339
linear programming 536–8
unconstrained 387, 391–6
PS see particular solutions
pure competition see perfect competition
quadratic equations 115–28, 302, 304–6
demand elasticity 290–1
quadratic functions 115, 670
demand functions 125–7
factorization of 119–20
graphs representing 121–7, 298–9, 302
supply functions 125–7
quantity equilibrium 47
quotient rule of differentiation 281–2, 327, 335
real data 189, 191, 670
reciprocals 146, 221, 570
differentiation of natural logs 335, 339, 426, 429
integration of 426, 429
rectangular hyperbolas 132–3, 139, 670
recurrence relations see difference equations
reduced form (macroeconomic model) 375, 383, 477,
relative maxima and minima 299, 316
average 266, 273, 663
continuous streams 448
differentiation of 262–6
marginal see marginal revenue
total see total revenue
reverse flow charts 90–1, 94, 670
fractional powers as 144–5, 158, 247
see also square roots
row vectors in matrices 456–7, 462, 468, 670
rows, matrix 454
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