Assuming that the total output is just sufficient to meet the input and final demand requirements, find
(a) the current total output vector, x
(b) the matrix of technical coefficients, A
(c) the matrix of multipliers, (I − A)
(d) the future total output vector, x +∆x, if final demand for I1 rises by 150 units and final demand
for I2 falls by 50 units simultaneously
8 An economy consists of three industries: agriculture, mining and manufacturing.
One unit of agricultural output requires 0.2 units of its own output, 0.3 units of mining output and
0.4 units of manufacturing output.
One unit of mining output requires 0.2 units of agricultural output, 0.4 units of its own output and
0.2 units of manufacturing output.
One unit of manufacturing output requires 0.3 units of agricultural output, 0.3 units of mining output
and 0.1 units of its own output.
(a) Write down the matrix of technical coefficients and find the Leontief inverse.
(b) Determine the levels of total output needed to satisfy a final demand of 10 000 units of agricultural
output, 30 000 units of mining output and 40 000 units of manufacturing output.
(c) If the final demand for agricultural output rises by 1000 units and the final demand for manufac-
turing output falls by 1000 units, calculate the change in mining output.
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