Laser Micro- and Nanofabrication 457
supplied to it. The pulse is so short that the energy is supplied at a
rate where direct ionization occurs. Long pulses have low break-
down field strength whereas short pulses have high breakdown field
strengths. The breakdown fluence threshold can be defined as the
fluence at which there is a 50% probability that a laser of this pulse
width and fluence will cause breakdown to occur. The field strength
is determined by the density of the field lines of the electromagnetic
wave. For long pulses the field lines are spread out and for short
pulses the field lines are closer together. For long pulses avalanche
breakdown thresholds trigger the material removal process but are
random in nature; for short pulses multiphoton absorption is the
dominant breakdown trigger and occurs rapidly. For long pulses, sta-
tistical variations occur as a result of the distribution of seed elec-
trons required for the onset of ionization, which can take some time
for avalanche ionization to be triggered.
For multiphoton absorption there is no randomness as there is no
reliance on seed electrons to initiate the process. Any electron, free
or otherwise, can be ionized by multiphoton absorption. This is why
femtosecond lasers are capable of machining any material. The abla-
tion process is completed by avalanche ionization even if it is trig-
gered by multiphoton absorption. Once the plasma density reaches a
critical level ablation can occur. Electrons absorb energy by colli-
sions and are heated to extremely high temperatures. Simultane-
ously, electrons transfer energy to the ions and the lattice that tends
to heat the surface. Energy transfer depends on pulse duration and
the coupling coefficient. Short pulses avoid a long wait before the
critical level is reached because they do not rely on free electrons
while waiting for the critical level to be reached are avoided. For
long pulses the energy transfer from electrons to ions is efficient.
The heat diffusion zone is larger and as the pulsewidth decreases the
field strength increases and electrons reach a much higher tempera-
ture than the ions or the lattice. Vaporization occurs rapidly and the
HAZ is very small. An interesting observation is that because mul-
tiphoton absorption does not depend on the presence of free elec-
trons any material can be processed. Materials that are transparent to
the wavelength such as glass can be machined.