444 Micro- and Nanomanufacturing
However, when the surface roughness of laser-processed sam-
ples was performed, the author noticed that a range of surface
roughness values existed for a variety of aspect ratios and inlet gas
The range of surface roughness as a function of aspect ratio is
shown in Figure 8.33, and as a function of inlet gas pressure in Fig-
ure 8.34. The variation in surface roughness is not easily explained.
One explanation may be the influence of interacting shock waves
that prevents molten material from entering the jet stream above the
interaction zone. Here, the laser beam normally makes contact with
the jet of molten material in order to vaporize it. However, this is
not the case when shock waves in the gas jet interact with each
This explains why, in some cases, the re-cast layer is larger than
in other cases. Another explanation may be attributed over a longer
period of
As the laser beam establishes contact with the work-
piece material, a dynamic plasma is initiated that causes interference
with the action of the laser beam, thereby allowing the laser beam to
deflect about a point where expulsion of the molten material is pre-
This means that molten material is not vaporized because the la-
ser beam has been deflected away from the interaction zone. The
material then solidifies at the side of the machined trench, which ex-
aggerates the size of the re-cast layer. In both cases, time-dependent
behavior of the laser interaction process appears to have produced a
variation in the size of the re-cast layer. This has tremendous impli-
cations on the accuracy of micro-components manufactured using
laser-based processing techniques.
8.3.7 Picosecond Pulse Microfabrication
In picosecond laser ablation, pulses are of the same timescale that
it takes to transfer energy from electrons to the lattice of the material
being machined. There is little heat conduction but a great deal of
heat flow caused by free electrons. At the surface there is a solid-to-
plasma phase; however there is a liquid phase "inside" the material.
The ablation depth per pulse is: