392 Micro- and Nanomanufacturing
the refractive index of the material. Hence, the material acts as an
optical grating therefore controlling the beam).
The Q-switch itself must be cooled because when it is blocking
the beam it absorbs energy. Q switches can be configured to provide
pulse rates between 0 and 50kHz. The idea is that while the shutter
is closed, energy builds up and a high peak power is released when
the shutter opens, e.g., a 20 W Nd:YAG Q-switched laser can pro-
duce 6 ns pulses of
mJ/pulse, which is 100 kW.
Beam output can be changed by a process known as frequency
doubling. Non-linear optical devices can be swamped with photons,
they can absorb two or more photons, and therefore rise to a higher
energy state. This energy is released in one step; the resulting radia-
tion has half the wavelength and twice the photon energy, e.g., A
1.06 |Lim Nd:YAG beam can be converted to 0.530 |iim green light,
this can be repeated again which would produce ultraviolet light.
A problem with the Nd:YAG laser is the poor efficiency (10-
15%) of converting flash lamp energy to high Nd^"^ energy states,
which produces waste heat that can distort the YAG rod leading to
poor beam quality (M^ approximately 15-100). The flash lamp can
be replaced by using a diode laser that has higher better efficiency
This produces much better values of
as low as 1.1.
8.2.3 Diode Lasers
Diode lasers are very similar to Nd:YAG lasers where electrical
energy is translated via the diode into electron excitation and even-
tually light is emitted. Usually they are grouped and stacked together
to form high power lasers. Semiconductor materials have a bandgap
such that if the electrons have enough energy (provided by an elec-
trical field) they convert from a non-conductive state to a conductive
Part of this change of state can release photons, similar to the
laser actions already discussed. GaAs is a common type. It has a
bandgap energy of 1.35 eV corresponding to a wavelength of 905
nm. Diode lasers have the advantage of being small and affordable.
Diodes tend to emit over a frequency range but they can be tuned
by a grating. Low-power diode lasers have low power conversion ef-
ficiencies of around 2% whereas high power diode lasers have high
power efficiencies up to 30%. A 5 |Lim wide strip can produce 100