Laser Micro- and Nanofabrication 391
If the temperature of the cavity is too high the lower energy level
cannot be transferred to its ground state fast enough, thus ceasing the
production of laser light. Hence the maximum temperature that can
be sustained by the system defines the maximum power of the laser.
Carbon dioxide lasers can employ different cooling strategies. Slow
flow lasers achieve cooling through the cavity walls. A uniform gain
is achieved across and along the cavity giving it a good mode and
making it particularly well suited for laser cutting. Fast axial flow
lasers achieve cooling by convection of the gas through the dis-
charge zone. The gas enters cold and leaves hot, usually at a speed
of around 300 - 500 m/s. The configuration of the system produces a
symmetric power distribution of the beam. The cavity length is such
that it produces a low Fresnel number and therefore the beam has a
low order and can easily be focused to a small point. The gain can be
up to 500 W/m. The power these lasers produce is proportional to
the cross-sectional area; therefore producing short lasers would seem
like a good way to keep the design compact. However such designs
produce high mode numbers making the beam difficult to focus eas-
ily. There are other types of laser that work on the same principle of
gaining photons from the energy decay of various particles.
A solid crystal made up of yttrium, aluminum, and garnet with
the addition of neodymium ions makes up the Nd:YAG laser. It is
therefore known as a solid-state laser. It works on a similar principle
to the CO2 laser; high energy levels are achieved by the neodymium
ions and their subsequent loss of energy when returning to the
ground state releases a photon. Energy is supplied by a flashlamp,
and the photons are emitted when the energy level drops from a high
state to a low state. The decay time for each energy level is very
short. After the 1.06 |Lim laser radiation has been emitted a terminal
state is reached. In order to reach the ground state further cooling is
required. Because the pumping efficiency is low, a great deal of en-
ergy has to be put into the system that requires cooling to prevent
thermal distortions of the beam. A krypton lamp powers the Nd^^
ions in the YAG rod. The Q-switch is a way of controlling the beam,
it can be a mechanical chopper, a bleachable dye, an optoelectrical
shutter, or an acousto-optic switch (a piezoelectric material changes
its density when an electric current is applied, which in turn changes