9.2 The Squall Line with Trailing Stratiform Precipitation
381 Kinematic
Thermodynamic Structure at the
the Stratiform Cloud
So far we have examined only the portion of the trailing stratiform cloud from
which precipitation is falling. One reason for this is that radar observations are
restricted to regions occupied by precipitation particles. Rawinsonde data can be
used to examine the thermodynamic structure and winds in a region that extends
outside the precipitation zones. However, the time and space resolution of sound-
ing data is typically very coarse. Sometimes by making time-to-space conversions
it is possible to form a composite analysis of sounding data taken in and around a
storm over a period of time in which the storm was not changing its structure
rapidly. Some results from such a sounding composite are shown in Fig. 9.42. The
cross sections are divided into four regions: the environment ahead of the squall
line, the convective precipitation region, the trailing stratiform rain area, and the
poststratiform rain area. The convective and stratiform rain regions were charac-
terized by temperature and water-vapor perturbation fields generally consistent
with the results seen in Figs. 9.35-9.38. The maximum magnitude of the peak
temperature perturbation in the stratiform cloud is, however, only
which is
smaller than indicated in previous discussions. However, the sounding data are of
low resolution and were put into a composite coordinate framework and objec-
tively analyzed. All
these factors contribute to smoothing out the perturbations.
Thus, these fields are not really inconsistent with those shown previously. What is
gained from these lower-resolution analyses is some knowledge of the regions
immediately ahead of, above, and to the rear of the convective and stratiform
precipitation areas, which cannot be obtained readily from radar. The main new
feature seen in this analysis is in the stratiform cloud region at upper levels,
toward the back of the storm in the rear half of the stratiform region and in the
poststratiform zone. A negative temperature perturbation is found, which may
have been the result
radiative cooling in the upper layers of the trailing strati-
form cloud.
Figure 9.39 Schematic vertical cross section illustrating the relationship of the buoyancy (B) of
the trailing stratiform cloud to the pressure perturbation
The difference between the pressure
perturbation at the back
(pT) and leading portion
of the stratiform region is indicated by Sp,
(Adapted from Lafore and Moncrieff, 1989. Reproduced with permission from the American
Meteorological Society.)
Figure 9.40 Stratiform region vertical velocity profiles for a squall line with trailing stratiform
precipitation. All three profiles were derived by single-Doppler radar analysis (using the VAD method
described in Sec. 4.4.5). Other aspects of this storm are illustrated in Figs. 9.15, 9.18, 9.31, 9.34, 9.41,
9.43, 9.44, 9.45, 9.48, 9.53, and 9.54. (From Houze, 1989. Reprinted with permission from the Royal
Meteorological Society.)
Figure 9.41 Mean vertical air motion in a squall line with trailing stratiform precipitation. In (a),
the curves are for the convective (solid) and entire stratiform (dashed) regions. In (b), curves are
shown for the stratiform region excluding the secondary band C, the secondary band excluding the
enhanced portions B, and enhanced portions of the secondary band A. The air motions were derived
by dual-Doppler radar observation. The height of the
level is shown. The storm in which the data
were taken is the same as that represented in Figs. 9.15, 9.18, 9.31, 9.34, 9.40, 9.43, 9.44, 9.45, 9.48,
9.53, and 9.54. (From Biggerstaff and Houze, 1991a. Reproduced with permission from the American
Meteorological Society.)