372 9 Mesoscale Convective Systems
mean cross section. The similarity with the model results in Fig. 9.30a and e is
striking. However, the model version of the storm structure is scaled down.
not as broad or tall as the real case. The reason for the difference in scale remains
to be understood. In most other ways though, the model results are verified.
In both the time-mean model cross section in Fig. 9.30e and the example
composite observed case (Fig. 9.31), the vertical air motion is seen to be positive
nearly everywhere at mid- to upper levels in the stratiform region. The only
exception is in the zone of minimum radar reflectivity between the convective
region and the secondary maximum of stratiform precipitation below the bright
band, where there is a column of downward motion. This zone is where the upper-
level downdrafts tend to occur behind the strongest updraft cells (as seen in Fig.
9.18). The
effect of these strong upper-level downdrafts on the average verti-
cal velocity field is to produce the column of mean downward motion. The general
ascent found at mid- to upper levels behind the zone of mean downward motion is
typical of squall lines with trailing stratiform precipitation. Generally, the mean
vertical motion is zero at a height of
km above
upward below this level
(corresponding to the front-to-rear ascent in Fig. 9.13), and downward below
(corresponding to the subsiding rear inflow in Fig. 9.13). To understand the pre-
cipitation process in the stratiform region, it is important to note the
magnitude of
the vertical motions in the stratiform region. They are generally (though not
uniformly) <0.5 m
whereas the fall speeds of precipitating ice particles (ice
crystals, aggregates, graupel) are
(Sec. 3.2.7, Figs. 3.12, 3.13, and
3.14). Thus, condition (6.1) is satisfied, and the precipitation is of a stratiform
character, as described in Sec. 6.1.
Results from another model simulation are shown in Figs. 9.32 and 9.33. This
simulation is very similar to that illustrated in Fig. 9.30. A bulk parameterization
of the ice-phase microphysics was used in the calculation and a region of strati-
form precipitation formed behind the convective line.
the first 2 h the precipi-
tation was primarily from the leading convective line, while during the last 4 h the
amounts of convective and stratiform rain were about equal (Fig. 9.32). Integrated
over the lifetime of the storm, about 37% of the precipitation from the storm was
stratiform. This behavior compares well with the typical observed evolution and
relative amounts of convective and stratiform precipitation illustrated by the ex-
ample in Fig. 9.12. The observed case, however, extends over a considerably
longer time period than the model case.P? The structure of the model storm,
during the time when the total convective and stratiform rain rates were approxi-
mately equal, is shown in Fig. 9.33. Surface precipitation extends over a 100-km-
wide region, and the stratiform region is well represented with a radar bright band
at the melting level.
Although the two model simulations we have referred to in Figs. 9.30,9.32, and
9.33 produced storms of somewhat smaller spatial and temporal scales than their
observed counterparts, they produced stratiform precipitation areas qualitatively
257 The case in Fig. 9.12 was particularly long-lived. Lifetimes
h are more common for squall
lines with trailing-stratiform precipitation.