9.1 General Characteristics of the Cloud and Precipitation Patterns
The locations of strong convective-scale air motions within the rain areas are
indicated in horizontal maps of radar reflectivity by intense spots of reflectivity
within the broader echo pattern. When the number of convective echo cores were
counted within the rain areas of a large number of tropical mesoscale convective
systems, it was found that, on average, only about 10 convective echo cores were
embedded in echoes exceeding 10,000 km
in area (last column on the right in Fig.
9.5). The convective echo cores counted were typically 100km
in area. Thus, it is
concluded that only about 10%
the rain area in a mesoscale convective system
is covered by convective rain showers. The remainder of the area is covered by
stratiform rain (of the type discussed in Chapter 6).
The spatial pattern of convective cores in relation to the surrounding stratiform
portion of the rain area in a mesoscale convective system varies from case to case
and is a sensitive indicator of the storm organization. The example in Fig. 9.6
shows the pattern of convective areas within the otherwise stratiform rain area of
a tropical mesoscale convective system. The centers of the convective showers
are indicated by an X, and the region of rain thought to be directly associated with
the convective cores is enclosed by a line surrounding the core centers. During the
75-min period shown, the pattern of convective cores varied. The distribution of
cells was somewhat random but displayed a preference for occurring along a
rough line on the southern side of the rain area. The pattern of cells can be even
more random than in this example, embedded chaotically throughout the strati-
form echo region. However, more often than not, they show a tendency to occur
in lines or bands. Sometimes the band of convection becomes very sharply de-
fined, as shown in the example in Fig. 9.7. In this type of case, referred to as a
tropical squall line, the band is often arc shaped and moving rapidly (l0-15 m
The stratiform precipitation in this case trails behind the intense convective line.
The radar echoes in the convective and stratiform portions of a rain area in a
mesoscale convective system are clearly distinguished in vertical cross sections
through the radar reflectivity pattern.
example, Fig. 9.8 shows a vertical cross
section through the tropical squall-line rain area of Fig. 9.7. A convective cell at
the leading edge of the rain area is apparent as the intense vertical core of reflec-
tivity in the left-hand side of the picture.
stands in sharp contrast to the struc-
ture of the trailing stratiform echo (right-hand portion of Fig. 9.8), which is charac-
terized by a horizontally oriented bright band in the melting layer
below the
isotherm (Sec. 6.1.2). In this type of squall line, the upper portion of the radar
echo of the convective line slopes back toward the trailing stratiform region, as
seen in the region between 0 and 40 km on the horizontal scale in Fig. 9.8. In
nonsquall rain areas, such as in Fig. 9.6, the radar echoes of the convective cells
tend to be more upright at upper levels. Midlatitude Convective Systems
The precipitation areas of midlatitude mesoscale convective systems are simi-
lar to those in the tropics in that the rain areas are of similar size and, at their
mature stage of development, consist of a group or line of convective showers
embedded in or adjoining a large region of stratiform precipitation. A common